Legend of Mana is an RPG Action Game Legend Age PS 1 used to be one of the most memorable games from Square Enix besides Saga Frontier 2. I've played it before, now there's an Android Mobile version released on iOS and Switch
This remastered has slightly changed the tempo, bgm, the graphics are a bit softer in my opinion and the pixels are quite dense but the left and right frames don't fit as a replacement for the wide aspect ratio for mobile games. The storyline is exciting and the action game is full of puzzles. What's most impressive is how the music makes you calm and feels the style characteristic of Square Enix games. which is a composition of the music composer by "Yoko Shimomura" is one of the best known
famous composer who produces the signature music of Legendary RPGs.
It used to be multiplayer when in the PS era you could choose a character on player 2 and many weapons that we could use or choose
The 2021 release last November was relatively new. and Already on Playstore, there are discussions of ancient legend games that Mimin has played and Mimin recommends.
/Legend of Mana adalah RPG Action Game Legend Jaman PS 1 dulu salah satu game paling berkesan dari Square Enix selain Saga Frontier 2,. pernah mimin mainkan dulu sekarang ada versi Android Mobilenya rilis juga di iOS dan Switch
Remastered ini sedikit perubahan tempo bgm, grafis lebih agak soft menurut mimin dan pixel yang cukup padat cuman yang jadi kurang pas ada frame kiri kanan yang sebagai pengganti wide aspect ratio buat game mobile. jalan cerita yang seru serta game actionnya itu penuh teka teki juga yang paling berkesan itu musik bgm nya bikin tenang dan terasa ciri khas gaya dari game-game square enix. yang merupakan racikan dari kompser musik oleh "Yoko Shimomura" adalah salah satu yang paling dikenal
komposer terkenal yang menghasilkan musik khas RPG Legendaris.
Dulu bisa dimainkan multiplayer saat di jaman PS bisa memilih karakter pada player 2 dan banyak senjata yang bisa kita gunakan atau dipilih
Rilis tahun 2021 November kemarin tergolong masih baru. dan Sudah ada di Playstore sekian pembahasan game legend jaman dulu yang pernah mimin mainkan dan mimin rekomendasikan.
Info Game
Title : Legend Of Mana
Genre : Action, RPG
Year : 2021 / 1999
Platform : Android & iOS, PSX
Dev/Pub : SquareEnix
Store : Playstore, Appstore (Paid Game)
Mode : Offline
Rating : 8/10
Size : 437mb
Video Gameplay
Video Gameplay
In the Legend Of Mana Game, I like this stage or scene the most where the night city (Lumina) with a typical BGM nowadays might be called Chill / Lo-fi music
This music is entitled "Moonlight City Roa" so uniquely there are instruments / musical instruments such as Gamelan sounds which are typical of composers from Yoko Shimomura
For those who don't know which legend was originally released on PS 1 / PlayStation the first generation in 1999 then in 2021 the Remastered version will be released on Android & iOS, maybe this is a 90s children's game, exactly the same age as Mimin, now in the previous post, I posted the Legend of Mana version of the gameplay. Remastered
/Di Game Legend Of Mana paling suka pada stage atau scene ini dimana kota malam (Lumina) dengan BGM yang Khas kalo jaman sekarang mungkin bisa disebut seperti musik Chill / Lo-fi
Musik ini berjudul "Moonlight City Roa" nah uniknya ada instrument / alat musik seperti suara Gamelan yang khas racikan komposer dari Yoko Shimomura
Bagi yang belum tau legend of mana awalnya rilis di PS 1 / PlayStation generasi pertama tahun 1999 kemudian tahun 2021 rilis versi Remastered di Android & iOS mungkin ini game anak tahun 90an tepatnya seumuran mimin, nah pada postingan sebelumnya sudah mimin posting gameplay Legend of Mana versi Remastered
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