Kumpulan Firmware EKA2L1 ROM & RPKG Symbian S60v1 v2 v3 v4 symbian ^3 Anna Belle Emulator Symbian OS Android GDrive Mediafire Link Download

This time i Share All Roms & RPKG Firmware I have for EKA2L1 Emulator Symbian OS S60V1 S60V2 S60V3 S^3 Anna Belle tested now playable new updated APK emulator, oke Link Download Bellow.

/Kali ini saya share All Roms & RPKG Firmware yang saya punya untuk EKA2L1 Emulator Symbian OS S60V1 S60V2 S60V3 S^3 Anna Belle yang sudah saya tested lancar dan bagus playable lancar dengan versi APK Emulator terbaru juga, oke Link Download Di Bawah.

EKA2L1 Symbian emulator .apk

1. Firmware Symbian s60v1 
Add manualy file Firmware > Copy / Extract folder Data ke folder Internal/EKA2L1/

2. Firmware Symbian S60v2
N70 ROM & RPKG Download 
(Need Extract and Add rom & rpkg)

3. Firmware Symbian S60v3
5320 ROM Download
5320 RPKG Download

4. Firmware Symbian S60v5
5233 ROM & RPKG  Download 
(Need Extract and Add rom & rpkg)

5. Firmware Symbian ^3 Anna Belle
X7 ROM & RPKG  Download 
(Need Extract and Add rom & rpkg)

Tutorial :

1. Install emulator EKA2L1.apk

2. Buka emulator 
/Open emulator

3. tap atau klik tanda titik 3 di pojok kanan atas
/tap or click the dot 3 in the upper right corner
4. In Devices 

5. masukan atau tambahkan klik file RPKG dan ROM tipe HP virtual misal decice 5320 link file download disediakan diawal page diatas 
/Enter, click the RPKG file and ROM HP virtual type, for example, decice 5320, the download file link is provided at the beginning of the page above

Klik atau tap tombol RPKG masukan file device 5320.RPKG
/Click or tap the RPKG button to enter the 5PKG device file

Lalu masukan / tambahkan ROM yang sesuai juga file device 5320.ROM
/ Then enter / add the appropriate ROM as well as the 5320.ROM device file

 Kemudian klik atau tap install tunggu sampai selesai
/Then click or tap install, wait for it to finish

Apabila sudah akan tampil devies seperti diatas
/If the devies will appear as above

6. lalu klik back atau kembali
/then click back or return 

7. Lalu  di Emulator klik atau tap tanda plus (+) cari file games .sis / .sisx 
/Click or tap the plus sign (+), look for the .sis / .sisx games file

8. Lalu tambahkan game yang mau di install cari file game. Sis , .sisx klik open add  (contoh game prince of Persia)
/ Then add the game you want to install, look for the game .sis, .sisx in the download folder then tap or click (Example This Game Prince of Persia s60v3) Download

9. Terakhir buka Gamenya di list app pada emulator
/Finally, open the games in the app list on the Emulator

10. Play with Emulator enjoy bro (Example test S60v3 games Prince of Persia)

For Other Games Symbian Check Here  Visit

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Mohon kunjungi Link diatas Terima Kasih❗


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