Blackwell Academy
Dengan size 10GB+, soal grafis. Life is strange BTS juga sebenarnya bagus sih, klo grafisnya bisa di ubah manual pakek text kek di Life is strange 1, aslinya manteb tuh. Warnanya juga lebih soft, jadi gk terlalu terang bgt kek di lis 1. Dan di lis bts jg rambutnya si Chloe bisa gerak2, gak kaku kek rambutnya si Max di Life is strange 1 itu kaku banget jir rambutnya kek di kasih pomade 1 pack
Btw screenshot Life is strange 1 itu udh di setting grafisnya.
Life Is Strange Before The Storm & Life Is Strange 1 (Mobile)
Blackwell Academy
With a size of 10GB +, about graphics. Life is strange BTS is also actually really good, if the graphics can be changed manually using text, like in Life is strange 1, it's actually great. The color is also softer, so it's not too bright, bro, in the 1st list, Chloe's hair can also move, it's not stiff like Max's hair in Life is strange 1, it's really stiff, but he gave me 1 pack of pomade
Btw the screenshot of Life is strange 1 is already in the graphics settings.
Life Is Strange Before The Storm & Life Is Strange 1 (Mobile)
Video Gameplay
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