Akhirnya ada lagi info game FM terbaru berjudul Front Mission Borderscape. Masih mengambil setting perang huffman 2nd yg ada di FM 1, FM of madness Plotnya msih

Bahas game baru yang masih Pre Register, rilis bakalan di tahun 2022, Setelah Square Enix rilis trailer FM 1 n 2 Remake
Akhirnya ada lagi info game FM terbaru berjudul Front Mission Borderscape.
Masih mengambil setting perang huffman 2nd yg ada di FM 1, FM  of madness Plotnya msih blum di perlihatin Baru gameplay saja dan infonya gamenya bakal ada gacha mungkin buat F2P tidak bersahabat buat dapetin parts wanzernya,
Btw ini sudah CBT bakal rilis buat android n PC Video gameplay bisa diliat di YouTube.

/Discuss new games that are still pre-registered, will be released in 2022, after Square Enix releases the FM 1 n 2 Remake trailer
Finally, there is more info on the latest FM game entitled Front Mission Borderscape.
Still taking the Huffman 2nd war setting on FM 1, FM of Madness The plot is still not shown It's just the gameplay and the info is that the game will have gacha, maybe F2P is not friendly to get the wanzer parts,
Btw, now CBT will be released for android n PC Gameplay videos can be seen on YouTube.

Video Gameplay

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