Quite Interesting, there are 2 games titles that according to the admin are quite Excited Yesterday Discussed the 1st game HD Remaster Suikoden 1 & 2 from Konami During the second Tokyo Game Show (TGS 2022) event, which presented a new game, the Legend card game Yu gi oh, there's Master Duel , Cross Duel, Duel Links and many other games that will be released according to confirmed information, it is possible that the Suikoden series will also be continued again..
Cukup Menarik ada 2 judul Games yang menurut mimin cukup Excited yang Kemarin Bahas game ke 1 HD Remaster Suikoden 1 & 2 dari Konami Saat event Tokyo Game Show (TGS 2022) yang kedua yaitu menghadirkan game" baru Game kartu Legend Yu gi oh ada Master Duel, Cross Duel, Duel Links dan masih banyak games" lainnya yang bakalan rilis menurut info di konfirmasikan tidak menutup kemungkinan series suikoden juga bakalan dilanjutkan lagi..
Video Streaming TGS 2022 - Konami
There's new news in 2022, the Legend RPG Suikoden 1 and 2 games can be remastered, finally Konami moves even though it's only in the HD version of the Remastered, hopefully it will gradually make more games, especially the many Konami game libraries which unfortunately have a lot of results like Silent hill Suikoden and others - etc. If from other developers such as SquareEnix first make the game "Remastered version and even remake, let's wait for developments from Konami.
/Ada Berita Baru di Tahun 2022, Game Legend RPG Suikoden 1 dan 2 dapat Remastered, akhirnya Konami gerak meski cuma di HD versi Remastered semoga lambat laun buat game lagi terutama banyak library game Konami yg sayang banget banyak potensi jadi hasil seperti Sillent hill suikoden dan lain lain. kalo Dari Dev Lain Seperti SquareEnix lebih duluan membuat game"nya Versi Remastered bahkan Remake, mari kita tunggu perkembangan dari Konami.
Video Gameplay
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