Lego Harry Potter Year 1-4 LITE 400mb Game Android Offline APK Only Low Size

Synopsis, you must know about the legendary book series and films about youth, namely Harry Potter. This game will tell you about the first year of a young person's life, will tell you everything and
joy, as well as providing the opportunity to experience all its adventures. This game is based on a book motif, although it has elements,
to diversify the story.
Play as Harry, Ron, Hermione, and more while
You explore Hogwarts and engage in hours of gameplay spread over 40+ levels based on books and movies
Harry Potter. Based on the first four Harry Potter books and films.

Game Info
Title: Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4 LITE
Release Date: October 2, 2016
Genre: Adventure, Action
Developer : TT ​​Games, Traveler's Story
Platforms: iOS, Android, PlayStation 3, DI
Size: 400MB
Connection :Offline
Additional : Android 4.0+ Up to Android 7.0+
Disadvantages of the lite version are no cutscenes and music.
Watch out!! This game only supports Android 4.0+ Until
Android 7.0+

/Sinopsis pasti kalian tau tentang seri buku dan film legendaris tentang penyihir muda yaitu Harry Potter. Game ini akan memberi tau anda tentang tahun pertama kehidupan seorang penyihir muda, akan menceritakan semua kesedihan dan
kegembiraannya, serta memberikan kesempatan untuk mengalami semua petualangannya. Game ini dibuat berdasarkan motif buku, meskipun memiliki unsur-unsurnya,
untuk mendiversifikasi cerita.
Bermain sebagai Harry, Ron, Hermione, dan banyak lagi saat
Anda menjelajahi Hogwarts dan terlibat dalam berjam-jam gameplay yang tersebar di 40+ level berdasarkan buku dan film
Harry Potter. Berdasarkan empat buku dan film Harry Potter pertama.

Info Game
Judul: Lego Harry Potter Year 1-4 LITE
Tanggal rilis: 2 Oktober 2016
Genre: Adventure, Action
Developer:TT Games, Traveller's Tales
Platform : ioS, Android, PlayStation 3, DI
Ukuran: 400 MB
Koneksi :Offline
Membutuhkan : Android 4.0+ Sampai Android 7.0+
Kekurangan versi lite tidak ada cutscene dan musik.
Peringatan!! Game ini hanya support di android 4.0+ Sampai
Android 7.0+

Video Gameplay

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