Lego Lord of The Ring 300mb APK Lite Offline

Lite version and the size is small
LEGO The Lord of the Rings features a fun action platformer with comedic elements adapted to the storyline of The Lord of the Rings trilogy, starting with The Fellowship of
The Ring, The Two Towers, and The Return of the King.
in LEGO The Lord of the Rings you will be taken to experience various events that you may have seen in the film, starting from the battle against the Balrog in
Mines of Moria, the war to defend Helm's Deep from the onslaught of Uruk Hai, even the historic battle against Sauron's form on Mount Doom.

Game Info
Title: Lego The Lord Of The Rings LITE
Release date : November 7, 2013
Genre: Adventure, Action
Developer : TT Games, Traveler's Tales
Platforms: iOS, Android, PlayStation 3, DII
Size: 300MB
Connection :Offline
Requires: Android 4.0+ Up to Android 7.0+
Disadvantages of the lite version are no cutscenes and music.
Warning!! This game only supports android 4.0+ to android 7.0+

/Versi lite dan size nya kecil
LEGO The Lord of the Rings menghadirkan aksi platformer seru dengan elemen komedi yang disesuaikan mengikuti jalan cerita trilogi The Lord of the Rings, mulai dari The Fellowship of
The Ring, The Two Towers, dan The Return of the King.
dalam LEGO The Lord of the Rings kamu akan dibawa menjalani berbagai peristiwa yang mungkin sudah kamu saksikan di filmnya, mulai dari pertempuran melawan Balrog di
Mines of Moria, perang mempertahankan Helm's Deep dari gempuran Uruk Hai, bahkan pertempuran bersejarah melawan wujud Sauron di Mount Doom.

Info Game
Judul: Lego The Lord Of The Rings LITE
Tanggal rilis : 7 November 2013
Genre: Adventure, Action
Developer : TT Games, Traveller's Tales
Platform: ioS, Android, PlayStation 3, DII
Ukuran: 300 MB
Koneksi :Offline
Membutuhkan: Android 4.0+ Sampai Android 7.0+
Kekurangan versi lite tidak ada cutscene dan musik.
Peringatan!! Game ini hanya support di android 4.0+ sampai android 7.0+

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