Premaster Action RPG Game Terbaru APK 900mb

pas lagi browsing2 nyari template buat intro youtube di youtube ehh ketemu game ini anjay. pas gw cari di youtube ternyata hanya 3 orang yg opload game ini. hasil dari tap2 keknya.
Game Terbaru Android & Ipad kalo gak salah support hp kentang soalnya tadi lg install Malah penyimpanan penuh padahal udah ga sisain 2gb masih tetap Penuh. nanti gw pasang di hp adek gw ram 4 gb.
device : Evercoss s45 ram 1/8gb.
biasanya kalau game berat ukuran gede bkal tidak kompartibel sama hp bawa an saya. tapi saya blm tau seperti apa ini gamenya, gak tau ini game on atau off atau login gitu, ukuran: 944mb
ini adalah game aksi dengan grafis yang keren spertinya dibuat dengan Unreal engine sayangnya ini game online loh, game aksi bertarung mengalahkan penjahat 

/when I was browsing looking for templates for YouTube intros on YouTube, I found this game, Anjay. When I searched on YouTube, it turned out that only 3 people uploaded this game. the results of the tap2 kek.
The newest Android & Ipad game, if I'm not mistaken, supports potato phones, the problem is that I installed it earlier. Even though the storage is full, even though I don't have 2GB left, it's still full. later I will install it on my sister's cellphone with 4GB RAM.
device : Evercoss s45 ram 1/8gb.
Usually, if the game is heavy, the size is large, it won't be compatible with the cellphone I brought with me. but I don't know what this game is like, I don't know if this game is on or off or logged in like that, size: 944mb
this is an action game with great graphics it seems made with the Unreal engine unfortunately this is an online game tho it's an action game fighting against bad guys

Devices : Tested Ratel Cell
Snapdragon 835 
Ram 6gb / 128gb internal
Android OREO

Taptap Store Link


Video Gameplay

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