Real Racing 4 Next Game Balapan HD Terbaru Android Offline APK+Data

Mantap fren nih sekarang banyak game yang dulunya online, di modif jadi offline, kali ini gamenya adalah : Real Racing Next / RR4 (Early
Accses) mod offline apk game balapan yang realistis buat game mobile ini sudah rilis meski early access atau akses awal game ini sudah bisa dimainkan tentunya sama seperti RR3 series sebelumnya bisa offline juga, game ini dari EA developer game ternama yang membuat ini game, oke buat yang suka gamenya mimin rekomendasikan buat kalian,
untuk install apk + data nya ada sedikit trik nya nanti mimin kasih tutorialnya dibawah ini :

Cara instal 

1. instal apk di atas terus buka dalam keadaan data off 

2. Akan muncul notif suruh online, hidup kan data, klik retry.

3. Setelah itu muncul conecting, buru2 data di offkan, nanti akan muncul halaman download data. (Seperti di ss bawah) 

4. Dalam keadan geme masih terbuka dalam posisi download data(minimaze app), Extrak data yg di donlod tadi di android/data, timpa file lama.

5 Jika sudah online kan lagi, buka game yg di minimize tadi lalu klik retry sampai keluar notif "data not found on this server" Dalam kasus ini data game akan kehapus,
Extrak lagi datanya.

6.jika sudah selsai extrak yg ke2 kali, keluar dari game, buka kembali game dalam posisi offline. Dan game siap di mainkan (Selalu pake mode offline jika ingin buka game ya, agar tidak kena notif "thank you for playing...

/Great fren, now there are many games that used to be online, modified to be offline, this time the game is: Real Racing Next / RR4 (Early
Access) offline mod apk realistic racing game for this mobile game has been released even though early access or early access this game can already be played of course the same as the previous RR3 series it can be offline too, this game is from a well-known game developer EA who made this game, okay for who likes the game, Mimin recommends it for you,
to install the apk + data, there is a little trick later, Mimin will give you the tutorial below:

How to install

1. Install the apk above and continue to open it in a data off state

2. A notification will appear asking to go online, turn on data, click retry.

3. After that, connecting appears, hurry up and turn off the data, then a data download page will appear. (As below) 

4. While the game is still open in the download data position (minimaze app), extract the data that was downloaded earlier on android/data, overwrite the old file.

5 If you are online again, open the game that was minimized earlier then click retry until the notification "data not found on this server" appears. In this case the game data will be deleted,
Extract the data again.

6. If you have finished extracting the second time, exit the game, reopen the game in an offline position. And the game is ready to be played (Always use offline mode if you want to open the game, so you don't get notified "thank you for playing...


Video Gameplay

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