King arthur legend of the sword Game Android Offline APK OBB

I'm not sure what genre is appropriate for this game. What is clear is that this game, based on the legend of King Arthur, is more similar to a fighting game like boxing. The difference is that in boxing, the player only faces one opponent, while in this game, Arthur faces three opponents who come one after another in each wave until completing missions or killing all enemies.

I was a bit disappointed with the gameplay, looking at the cover, I thought it would be an action-packed adventure, hehe. The fighting in this game relies more on punches and kicks. The controls are also relatively simple, just swipe to attack, tap on the opponent to counter, and tap on the screen to dodge attacks. However, sometimes it can be confusing to execute. Often, when I want to counter the opponent's attack, I end up attacking instead.

In terms of graphics, this game has very good graphics, with smooth motion effects. So don't be surprised if this game requires a slightly higher specification mobile device to run smoothly. There is a bit of lag when...


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