a Musical Story Game Android Offline 800mb APK

A Musical Story adalah game seru banget, nih! Game ini bikin kita harus dengerin dan mainin setiap lagu instrumental dengan oke banget. Di game ini, kita nggak cuma harus ikutin tanda-tanda visualnya aja, tapi juga bener-bener rasain aliran musiknya. Konsentrasi tinggi dan kesabaran yang dibutuhin, nih, buat dapetin hasil yang sempurna. Game ini beda banget dari game rhythm yang lain. Nggak ada tampilan visual yang nunjukin waktu secara jelas, jadi kita harus aktif pelajari tempo dan ritme tiap lagu dengan nunjukin rhythm pake jari kaki atau tangan kita, atau mungkin ngangguk kepala. Dengan gitu, main musik di game ini berasa banget kayak nyata. Pas main setiap bagian lagu, kita bakal dapetin potongan cerita sebagai hadiah. Cerita itu diceritain pake animasi yang bagus banget dan didukung sama soundtrack keren. Penceritaan dan musiknya punya kualitas tinggi banget, jadi kita jadi lebih terlibat sama game ini. Game ini ceritanya tentang perjalanan seorang gitaris dari band rock tahun 1970-an pas mereka lagi road trip ke festival musik Pinewood. Nggak ada dialog di game ini, tapi ceritanya tetep kerasa kuat berkat cara cerita yang visualnya luar biasa. Di gameplaynya, kita bakal mainin beberapa alat musik yang beda, tapi semuanya ikutin rhythm dan tempo lagunya. Kita harus tekan note-note yang muncul di layar sesuai dengan irama musik. Di game ini, nggak ada tanda visual yang nunjukin posisi kita dalam lagu, jadi kadang susah buat tentuin durasi jeda. Salah satu note aja kalo salah, kita harus mulai lagi dari awal. A Musical Story itu game yang butuh kesabaran, ketelitian, dan rasa seni buat mainin musik. Kalo kita suka tantangan dan suka musik, pasti bakal dapet pengalaman seru dan puas dari game ini. Untuk pengalaman mainnya yang lebih mantap, disarankan pake headset biar musiknya bener-bener keluar keren. 
Game ini butuh Android OS versi 6.0 ke atas buat bisa dimainin, ya.

/ A Musical Story is such a thrilling game! It requires us to listen and play each instrumental song perfectly. In this game, we not only follow the visual cues but also truly feel the music. It demands high concentration and patience to achieve perfect results. This game is quite different from other rhythm games. There is no clear visual display of timing, so we have to actively learn the tempo and rhythm of each song by tapping our feet or hands or maybe nodding our heads. This way, playing music in this game feels incredibly real. As we play each section of the song, we will receive story fragments as rewards. These stories are presented through amazing animations and are accompanied by fantastic soundtracks. The storytelling and music quality are remarkably high, making us more engaged with the game. The storyline revolves around the journey of a guitarist from a rock band in the 1970s as they road trip to the Pinewood music festival. There are no dialogues in the game, but the story still feels strong thanks to its exceptional visual storytelling. In the gameplay, we will play various musical instruments, all following the rhythm and tempo of the songs. We have to press the notes that appear on the screen in accordance with the music's beat. There are no visual indicators of our position in the song, so sometimes it's difficult to determine the duration of breaks. If we make a single mistake with a note, we have to start from the beginning again. A Musical Story is a game that requires patience, precision, and artistic sense to play the music. If we enjoy challenges and love music, we will definitely have an exciting and satisfying experience with this game. For a more immersive experience, it is recommended to use a headset to fully appreciate the outstanding music. 
This game requires Android OS version 6.0 or above to be able to play it.

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