Pocket Harvest Game Android Offlne 70mb Simulation Farming Pixel No obb data Full reviews

Game yang mirip Harvest Moon yang bisa saya sarankan adalah Pocket Harvest. Meskipun grafisnya sederhana, game ini memiliki gameplay yang menarik dan lebih sederhana. Dalam game ini, pemain tidak akan mengendalikan karakter, tetapi akan mengelola kebun pertanian sendiri. Kebun ini dikatakan subur, dan jika dikelola dengan baik, pemain akan mendapatkan keuntungan besar. Namun, proses ini tidak instan dan membutuhkan waktu untuk mencapai hasil yang diinginkan.

Hal pertama yang harus kita lakuin adalah menanam tanaman, yang di tutorial awalnya itu Stroberi. Disini kita bakal dijelasin tentang pekerja yang ngurusin kebun kita. Lebih efektif kerjanya kalo kita tanamin tanaman deket rumah pekerja ini. Itu gameplay-nya, semuanya berjalan otomatis. Pekerja yang ngurusin semua hal tentang tanaman, dari perawatan sampe panen. Jadi peran mereka penting banget. Kalo atribut mereka naik, efisiensi kerjanya juga naik. Ini bakal ngaruh ke hasil panen. Kadang-kadang bakal ada berita yang bantu kita lebih paham cara bercocok tanam ala game ini. Misalnya, kalo tanemin tanaman yang sama di musim berikutnya, hasil panennya bisa tambah. Kalo uang cukup buat nambah tanaman, ya kita butuh pekerja tambahan dong. Caranya gampang, tinggal bangun rumah baru buat nambahin pekerja. Terus juga perhatiin musimnya, beberapa tanaman nggak bisa tumbuh di musim tertentu. Sayangnya kita harus amati sendiri untuk tau karakteristik tanaman-tanaman itu. Pokoknya, nanti kita bisa perluasin lahan kita dengan beli lahan dari tetangga kita yang juga punya lahan pertanian.

Jawaban alternatif game yang mirip Harvest Moon??! Aku bilang game ini deh. Grafisnya sih biasa aja, tapi gameplay-nya seru dan lebih simpel. Di game ini kita nggak mengendalikan karakter, tapi kita yang ngurusin semuanya di lahan perkebunan ini. Konon katanya lahan ini subur banget. Kalo kita ngurusnya baik, bisa dapet untung besar. Tentu aja butuh proses buat nyampe situ. Kalo mau cepet, pake mod aja. Tapi nggak disarankan sih. Soalnya bakal ngebosenin gameplay-nya. Lah??!!! Yang penting prosesnya, nggak hasil akhirnya. Kan bener? Dalam Screenshot-nya aku pake mod apk! Buat nyoba aja mod-nya. Fungsinya emang apa sih/

/ One game that is similar to Harvest Moon that I can recommend is Pocket Harvest. Although the graphics are simple, this game has interesting and simpler gameplay. In this game, players do not control characters, but rather manage their own farm. The farm is said to be fertile, and if managed well, players will get great profits. However, this process is not instant and takes time to achieve the desired results. The first thing we need to do is plant crops, which in the initial tutorial is strawberries. Here we will be explained about the workers who take care of our farm. It is more effective if we plant crops close to the workers' homes. That's the gameplay, everything runs automatically. The workers take care of everything about the crops, from maintenance to harvest. So their role is very important. If their attributes increase, their work efficiency also increases. This will affect the harvest results. Sometimes there will be news that helps us understand how to farm in this game. For example, if we plant the same crops in the following season, the harvest results can increase. If we have enough money to add more crops, then we need additional workers. The way is easy, just build a new house to add workers. Also pay attention to the seasons, some crops cannot grow in certain seasons. Unfortunately, we have to observe it ourselves to know the characteristics of these crops. Anyway, later we can expand our land by buying land from our neighbors who also have farmland. An alternative similar game to Harvest Moon? I say it's this game. The graphics are okay, but the gameplay is fun and simpler. In this game, we don't control a character, but we manage everything on this farmland. It is said that this land is very fertile. If we take good care of it, we can make big profits. Of course, it takes a process to get there. If you want it to be quick, you can use mods. But I don't recommend it. Because it will make the gameplay boring. Huh??!!! What matters is the process, not the end result. That's true, right? In the screenshots, I used a MOD apk! Just to try the mod. What is its function anyway?

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