Z.O.N.A Shadow of Lemansk Game Android Offline 700mb APK Horror FPS Seru

Baru aja ada orang minta game ini, dan skrg aku nemu, hehehe. Judulnya aja udah keliatan kalo game ini ada hubungannya sama mutan. Itu yg aku suka. Bukan karena aku suka monster mutan, tp lebih krn tegangannya. Sebenernya aku ragu mau share sekarang krn pengembangnya AGaming+. Bukan krn gamenya jelek atau ga bagus! Tp lebih krn pengembang ini sering ngecek lisensi pas lagi main. Rasanya kyk ditipu, bro! Beneran. Krn aku ga bisa nyoba game sampe selesai, maaf kalo ada masalah nanti. Sebelum mulai main, cek pengaturannya dulu ya. Ada pengaturan grafis. Aku turunin grafis ke level medium/high dr pengaturan ultra biar enak mainnya. Terus buat game ini, aku gak ragu pilih tingkat kesulitan easy/beginner. Memalukan, sih, tp kalo dari AGaming, lewatin aja. Soalnya biasanya lawannya kuat banget. Mutan di game lain bisa dibantai dengan mudah, soalnya serangan mereka terkoordinir dan bergantian. Kyk mereka kasihan sama pemain, buat seneng dan terhibur hahaha. Tp di game ini, selain bergerak cepet dan susah diarahin, mereka serang kyk anak sekolah berantem. Seolah-olah bilang "Kamu mati!!!" Hasilnya! di tingkat kesulitan easy/beginner di game ini, sulit banget buat aku. Dan aku blm selesaiin level awal sampe sekarang, pas aku nulis artikel ini. Level awalnya dimulai di lorong gelap di dalam terowongan kereta bawah tanah pake Lori. Jadi di awal game ini, yg kita lakuin cm ngarahin dan nembak monster mutan yg deket kita. Keliatan sederhana! Cuma nembak!!? Tp, gak semudah itu, Ferguso. Selain itu, kontrol buat ngarahin agak ga enak. Oh iya, pas main, jgn lupa nyalain lampu dan atur pandangan dari helm biar backgroundnya ga terlalu gelap dan musuh keliatan. Tombolnya ada di atas layar, di samping kiri dan kanan indikator radiasi, kesehatan, dan peluru. Paragraf ini aku bikin dari v2.01 dan ada mod apk-nya. Seneng banget. Krn dgn mod peluru tak terbatas ini, aku berhasil melewati bab pembuka di kegelapan terowongan. Ternyata ini game FPS, bro. Versi v2.00 udah diupload, tp trus aku nemu v2.01. Mod peluru tak terbatas lagi! Kyknya harus diupload ulang. Tata letak tombol di v2.01 sedikit beda. Lihat tangkapan layar di bawah buat penjelasan yg lebih jelas. Ternyata bagian sulitnya cuma di terowongan awal game. Krn begitu masuk ruangan, yang ngancam bukan musuhnya, tp suhu dingin dan radiasi tinggi.

Just now someone requested this game, and now I found it, hehehe. Just from the title, it's already apparent that this game will be related to mutants. Something I like. Not that I like the mutant monsters, but rather the suspense it brings. I was actually hesitant to share it now because the developer is AGaming+. Not because their games are bad or not good! But more because this developer often checks licenses in the middle of the game. It feels like being fooled guys! Seriously. Because I can't try the game until the end, I apologize in advance if there's any issue later. Before starting the game, try checking the settings first. There's the graphic settings. For me, I lower the graphics to medium/high from the default ultra setting, for gameplay comfort. Then for this game, I won't hesitate to choose the Easy/beginner difficulty level. It's a disgrace, actually, but if it's from AGaming, just ignore it. Because usually the enemies are very tough. Mutants in other games can be easily slaughtered, because their attacks seem coordinated and take turns. It's like they feel sorry for the players, to make them happy and entertained hahaha. But in this game, besides moving quite swiftly and hard to aim at, they attack like students in a school fight. As if saying "You're dead!!!" The result! in the Easy/beginner difficulty level in this game, it feels hard for me. And I still haven't completed this early level until now, while I'm writing this article. The beginning level starts in a dark hallway in an underground railway tunnel using a Lori (a cart that runs on train tracks. I don't know what it's called in Indonesian). So in the beginning of this game, all we do is aim and shoot at the mutant monsters that come towards us. Sounds simple! Just shooting!!? But, it's not that easy, Ferguso. Besides the above, the control for aiming is a bit uncomfortable. Oh yeah, during gameplay, don't forget to turn on the lights and adjust the viewpoint from the helmet so that the background isn't too dark and the enemies are visible. The buttons are on the top of the screen, on the left and right of the radiation level indicator, health, and ammo count. I made this paragraph from v2.01 and there's a mod apk for it. I'm happy. Because with this unlimited ammo mod, I managed to pass the prologue chapter in the darkness of the tunnel. Turns out this is indeed a FPS game, guys. The v2.00 has already been uploaded, but then I found v2.01. Another unlimited ammo mod! Looks like it should be reuploaded. The button layout in v2.01 is slightly different. Look at the screenshot below for clearer explanation. Turns out the difficult part is only in the initial tunnel of the game. Because once in the room, it's not the enemies that threaten us, but the low temperature and high radiation.


Video Gameplay

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