War Robots Multiplayer Online Game Android

Game online yang kece abis sih! Enggak nyangka bakal seru banget buat dimainin. Biasanya kan game kayak gini tuh buat yang suka game FPS, di mana kita bisa mainin robot dan join tim yang 'bekerja sama' buat menangin pertempuran multiplayer. Menurutku, kemenangan di game ini ditentuin sama dua hal, yang pertama adalah pas semua robot musuh udah kehancuran, terus yang kedua kalo tim kita berhasil nge-rebut bendera di semua sub area. Nah loh, di sinilah masalahnya, kadang-kadang aku kebawa banget bantain musuhnya sampe-sampe nggak nyadar kalo area kita udah dikuasai musuh semua.

Mantul gua bilang, dukungan bawaan bahasa Indo di game ini bener-bener berguna banget lah. Jadi, semua tutorial yang ada bisa gua pahami dengan cepet. Memang awal-awalnya cuma dapet satu robot di hangar, tapi kayaknya lu bisa punya 4 robot atau lebih kalo lu mau dan punya duit yang banyak. Tapi ya buat apa sih beli robot banyak-banyak? Kemenangan sendiri kan ditentuin sama peralatan dan upgrade-nya robot itu. Kayak game online gratis lainnya juga sih, setiap upgrade itu mesti tunggu lama. Kecuali kalo lu punya banyak emas buat skip waktu nunggunya.

/This online game is really cool! I didn't expect it to be so much fun to play. Usually, games like this are for those who love FPS games, where we can play as robots and join a team to win multiplayer battles. In my opinion, victory in this game is determined by two things. The first is when all enemy robots are destroyed, and the second is when our team successfully captures the flag in all sub-areas. But here's the problem, sometimes I get so carried away attacking the enemies that I don't realize our opponents have taken control of all our areas.

I must say, the built-in support for the Indonesian language in this game is really useful. I can quickly understand all the tutorials. At the beginning, we only get one robot in the hangar, but it seems like you can have four or more robots if you want and have a lot of money. But really, what's the point of buying so many robots? Victory is determined by the equipment and upgrades of the robot. Like other free online games, each upgrade takes a long time, unless you have a lot of gold to skip the waiting time.


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