Alphadia Genesis 2 APK 90mb + OBB (Game Android Offline RPG Tunrbased Classic)

Ada sekuel baru nih dengan sistem pertempuran yang lebih ngebut. Gue gak tau nih hubungan dengan seri sebelumnya, cuma ada Enah doang yang muncul lagi di beberapa tempat sama ceritanya masih soal energi gitu. Ceritanya di game ini benar-benar baru, hampir semua karakter juga baru. Pemain utamanya namanya Dion, tinggal di desa tersembunyi yang dikejar-kejar sama kekaisaran. Di dunia game ini, ada dua energi nih, hitam dan putih. Orang-orang yang punya energi hitam, bisa jadi monster tiba-tiba loh. Biar nggak merusak orang lain, kekaisaran ngejar dan bunuh para infeksi energi hitam. Nah, disitulah cerita game ini dimulai, sama orang-orang yang bersembunyi di desa Dion. Dion tuh kurang peka sama cinta, tapi ada Chiifon yang peduli banget sama dia. Gadis ini punya peran penting banget dalam cerita, jadi love interest-nya Dion nantinya. Di party Dion juga ada Elize, ksatria wanita cerewet, sama Faulkner, ksatria baju besi berkilauan. Mereka semua bakal berjuang lawan kekaisaran buat ngalahin kejahatan mereka, gitu deh. Yang menarik dari game ini adalah hubungan Dion sama Chiifon. Sebelum party ketiga muncul, hubungan mereka jadi lebih dekat. Ada cerita menarik sebelum party ketiga ini, di mana mereka mencoba untuk mendekatkan Dion sama Chiifon. Siapa aja yang gabung di party ketiga? Mainin aja sendiri, biar nggak spoiler. Banyak plot twist, jadi endingnya bisa jadi kerasa banget. Dan, mungkin ada motivasi lain dari sang Raja dan pangerannya, yang masih tersembunyi di balik pembantaian orang-orang ber energi hitam. Coba mainin sendiri deh, penasaran kan?

/There's a new sequel with a faster battle system. I don't know how it relates to the previous series, but Enah appears in a few places with the story still revolving around energy. The story in this game is completely new, with almost all new characters. The main character is named Dion, who lives in a hidden village chased by the empire. In this game world, there are two energies, black and white. People with black energy can suddenly turn into monsters. To prevent them from harming others, the empire hunts down and kills those infected with black energy. And that's where the story of this game begins, with the people hiding in Dion's village. Dion is not very sensitive to love, but there's Chiifon who really cares about him. This girl plays a crucial role in the story, and will be Dion's love interest later on. In Dion's party, there's Elize, a chatty female knight, and Faulkner, a shiny-armored knight. They will all fight against the empire to defeat their evil deeds. The interesting part of the game is Dion's relationship with Chiifon. Before the third party appears, their relationship becomes closer. There's an interesting story before the third party, where they try to bring Dion and Chiifon closer together. Who will join the third party? Play it yourself to avoid spoilers. There are many plot twists, making the ending very impactful. And there may be other motivations from the King and his prince, still hidden behind the massacre of people with black energy. Play it yourself, curious right?



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