Brotherhood of Violence II Game Android Offline 160mb APK OBB

Game ini keren banget, bro! Grafisnya 3D yang nggak kalah kece, terus ada lebih dari 400 karakter fighter dengan kecerdasan buatan yang bikin adu skill tambah seru. Bakal ada banyak musuh yang harus dihadapi, mulai dari punks, ninja, sampe yakuza. Dan jangan lupa, si Big Bos bakal jadi tantangan berat nih! Player bakal jadi mantan anggota perkumpulan pembunuh elit yang musti nyelamatkan adik dari diculik sama si Big Bos. Bakal banyak aksi pertempuran seru dengan 12 style pertarungan yang beda-beda, kayak muey-thai, karate, sampe kung-fu. Selain itu, karakter juga bisa dikembangkan biar makin keren skillnya. Seru kan? Ayo mainin game ini dan jadi pahlawan yang bisa nyelamatin sang adik dari cengkeraman si Big Bos! Semuanya bakal seru banget, apalagi dengan kontrol yang intuitif dan animasi karakter berkualitas tinggi. Jangan sampe kelewatan, bro!

/is a game that will sharpen the fighting skills of players in a test with stunning 3D graphics, various fighting styles, and over 400 fighter characters with artificial intelligence that make the game more challenging. Battle through up to 30 areas to defeat various types of enemies, such as punks, ninjas, yakuza, and more. Beware of the Big Boss, as he has unmatched fighting skills! Players will take on the role of a former member of an elite assassin group, where there is no such thing as a former member. The player knows that the Big Boss will drag them back in by any means necessary, including kidnapping the player's sibling. Now is the time to become a hero to save the sibling and bring them home safely. FEATURES: HD 3D Engine Multitouch, with support for third-party controllers. Explore 30 unique environments. Over 400 enemies with different styles to defeat. Choose from 12 character options or create your own character with deep editing features. Character progression that will entertain players as they play. High-quality character animations with 12 fighting styles like muay thai, karate, kung-fu, and more. Intuitive controls for jumping, rolling, attacking, super moves, and more.


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