Real Moto Game Android Offline 170mb APK Mod Racing HD

Gas pol bro!! Ayo main game balapan pake motor matic nih!! Gue sebel banget pas awal main game ini, level gue baru 1, cuma bisa naikin motor matic aja. Susah banget buat menang bro di kejuaraan kelas C ini, padahal pengen banget nyoba motor sport keren. Entah gue yang kurang jago ato terlalu ngegas, pasti gue kalah jauh sama yang lain. Nggak asik dong kalo gitu, kan nggak dapetin sensasi modifikasi motor sport. Tapi untungnya gue nemu menu upgrade di layar utama. Gue upgrade semua yang bisa dari kecepatan sampe remnya. Dan hasilnya?! Hahaha, gue menang dengan gampang banget. Yap, mulai deh rasanya ngerasain sensasi balapan motor racing di game ini. Kalo menang satu kali, level gue naik jadi 2, minimal level 3 baru bisa beli motor racing. Jadi, mungkin harus menangin 1-2 kali lagi biar level gue naik jadi 3. Dalam hitungan menit, gue udah bisa punya motor sport, meski namanya aneh, Grusaki 2015 Musa 300. Aneh lah, soalnya game ini kayaknya nggak punya lisensi dari motor aslinya. Tapi gak perlu dijelasin, para player pasti pada tau deh motor apaan tuh.

/Cool gas bro!! Let's play racing games using automatic motorcycles!! I was really annoyed when I first played this game, my level was only 1, and I could only ride automatic motorcycles. It's really hard to win in this Class C championship, even though I really want to try cool sport bikes. I don't know if I'm not good enough or if I'm too impatient, I always lose to others. It's not fun like that, because I can't get the sensation of modifying a sport bike. But luckily, I found the upgrade menu on the main screen. I upgraded everything from speed to brakes. And the result?! Hahaha, I won easily. Yeah, I started to feel the sensation of racing in this racing motorbike game. If I win once, my level goes up to 2, and I can only buy a racing motorbike at level 3. So, maybe I have to win 1-2 more times to reach level 3. In a matter of minutes, I could already have a sport bike, even though the name is weird, Grusaki 2015 Musa 300. Strange, because it seems like this game doesn't have a license from the original motorbike. But no need to explain, the players surely know what kind of motorbike it is.


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