Super Mario 2 HD Game Android APK Version Offline 67mb

Bro, game yang udah lama gua nantikan akhirnya muncul di android nih! Game platformer legendaris dari konsol klasik NDS dengan grafis 3D yang lebih keren banget, dan yang bikin seneng, game ini bisa dimainin offline. Gua anggep game ini remaster karena area dan gameplay-nya sama persis kayak versi originalnya. Ada tambahan fitur keren di versi HD ini, kayak pilihan karakter selain Luigi dan Mario. Ada Toad si kepala jamur dan Putri Peach yang cantik. Setiap karakter punya kelebihan masing-masing, misalnya Luigi bisa melompat lebih tinggi, Toad punya kepala besi, dan Peach bisa melayang. Buat kontrolnya, ada 2 pilihan yang bisa player pilih, yang klasik pake d-pad dan yang modern pake analog. Keduanya sama enaknya, tergantung dari kenyamanan player masing-masing. Game ini gameplay-nya sama persis dengan versi klasik NDS. Sebagai Mario, player bakal jalan dari kiri ke kanan sampe ke kastil sambil turunin bendera buat nunjukin level udah selesai. Jangan anggep cuma jalan-jalan aja ya, Mario harus lewatin rintangan berat buat nyampe kastil. Selain melompati jurang dan jebakan, Mario juga harus lawan musuh dengan melompat dan ngegencet kepala mereka. Untungnya ada berbagai macam jamur di tempat petualangan Mario ini. Ada jamur buat memperbesar badan Mario dan tambah nyawa. Tapi hati-hati, ada jamur beracun juga yang bisa bikin nyawa Mario melayang atau mengecil. Jadi, waspada sama jamur yang aura hijaunya keluar. Selain jamur, Mario juga bisa dapet tanaman buat nembak lawan. Tapi buat dapetinnya, Mario harus dalam keadaan besar ya. Kalo Mario masih kecil, tanaman itu bakal jadi jamur pembesar. Keren banget kan gameplay-nya!

/Hey, the game that I've been eagerly waiting for has finally arrived on Android! It's a legendary platformer game from the classic NDS console with awesome 3D graphics, and the best part is, you can play it offline. I consider this game a remaster because the area and gameplay are exactly the same as the original version. There are cool additional features in this HD version, like the option to play as characters other than Luigi and Mario. There's Toad, the mushroom-headed guy, and the beautiful Princess Peach. Each character has their own strengths, for example, Luigi can jump higher, Toad has a metal head, and Peach can float. For controls, there are 2 options for players to choose from, the classic one using the d-pad and the modern one using analog. Both are equally good, depending on the player's comfort. The gameplay of this game is exactly the same as the classic NDS version. As Mario, the player will walk from left to right until reaching the castle, while lowering the flag to indicate that the level has been completed. Don't just think it's a walk in the park, Mario has to overcome various obstacles to reach the castle. In addition to jumping over gaps and traps, Mario also has to fight enemies by jumping on their heads. Luckily, there are various types of mushrooms in Mario's adventure. There are mushrooms to enlarge Mario's body and increase his lives. But be careful, there are also poisonous mushrooms that can make Mario lose a life or shrink. So, watch out for mushrooms emitting a green aura. Besides mushrooms, Mario can also get a plant to shoot enemies. To get it, Mario must be in a large state. If Mario is still small, the plant will turn into a growth mushroom. The gameplay is really awesome, right?



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