Dulu kaget banget nih game tiba-tiba jadi hits banget pas baru dirilis. Gila juga ya, liat grafis game yang karakternya chibi aja bisa bersaing sama game RPG keren macam Final Fantasy yang mahal banget. Ga kenal, ga sayang gitu deh, mungkin itu kata yang tepat buat deskripsinya. Iya sih, game ini keren banget. Setelah mainin beberapa lama, baru deh muncul pemikiran kerennya game ini. Grafis chibi jadi nilai plus banget buat gue, apalagi gameplay-nya juga seru. Malah karakter dengan desain khas kayak gini jadinya makin oke, tampilan karakternya juga bagus banget. Game ini sendiri adalah game action RPG dengan menu yang cukup kompleks. Ada menu equipment, item, skill, dan lain-lain. Skill-nya yang menarik di Zenonia 5 ini, ada dua jenis yaitu aktif dan pasif. Aktif itu bisa dipake pas pertarungan, sementara pasif itu skill pendukung otomatis. Ada 4 karakter yang bisa dipilih di awal permainan, Mechanic, berseker, paladin, dan wizard. Setiap karakter punya tampilan dan senjata yang beda-beda. Gue pilih Mechanic, karena senjatanya bisa nembak musuh dari jauh. Jarang banget karakter di android punya senjata range unik kayak gini, biasanya cuma pake panah. Ada skill aktif juga dengan gerakan yang beda-beda tiap karakternya. Complex? iya. Ringan? Termasuk ringan sih, bisa dimainin lancar. Ukuran gamenya juga kecil kok .
/I was really surprised when this game suddenly became a hit right after its release. It's crazy to see a game with chibi graphics competing with expensive and cool RPG games like Final Fantasy. You know, it's like the saying goes, "you don't know, you don't love", that might be the right words to describe it. Yeah, this game is really cool. After playing it for a while, that's when I realized how cool this game is. The chibi graphics are a big plus for me, and the gameplay is also fun. Even characters with unique designs like this one look even better, their appearance is really good as well. This game itself is an action RPG with a quite complex menu. There are equipment, item, skill menus, and more. The interesting thing about Zenonia 5 is its skills, there are two types, active and passive. Active skills can be used during battles, while passive skills are automatic support skills. There are 4 characters to choose from at the beginning of the game, Mechanic, Berserker, Paladin, and Wizard. Each character has a different appearance and weapon. I chose Mechanic, because its weapon can shoot enemies from afar. It's rare to find a character in android games with unique ranged weapons like this, usually, they only use arrows. There are also active skills with different movements for each character. Complex? Yes. Light? It's actually light, can be played smoothly. The game size is also small.
Video Gameplay
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