IRE : Blood Memory Game Android Offline Action Hack n Slash (500mb apk obb)

Game ini emang bener-bener bikin greget, bro. Kesan gelap dari Dark Souls bener-bener kerasa banget di game ini. Nggak kayak game sejenis lainnya yang cepet-cepet aja, game ini lebih fokus ke serangan melee yang realistis. Jadi lu nggak bisa sembarangan nge-hack and slash aja, harus pake pemikiran dan taktik yang bener. Gameplay-nya mirip banget sama game hack n slash lainnya sih, cuma bedanya game ini lebih menekankan pada aksi melee yang keras. Jadi lu nggak bisa asal mukul aja sampe musuh sekarat. Kayak Dark Souls gitu, lu harus nemu momentum yang pas buat nge-hajar musuh, sebelum lu jadi korban. Kalo lu pengen nikmatin aksi gameplay yang pelan, ada 2 opsi kontrol yang bisa lu pilih. Pertama, lu bisa main pake kontrol virtual yang agak ribet karena tombolnya hampir nyelonong di kanan layar. Atau, pake kontroler tambahan buat mainnya jadi lebih gampang dan enak.

/This game really gives you a thrill, bro. The dark feel of Dark Souls is really prominent in this game. Unlike other similar games that are fast-paced, this game focuses more on realistic melee attacks. So you can't just hack and slash randomly, you have to use the right thinking and tactics.

The gameplay is similar to other hack and slash games, but this game emphasizes more on intense melee action. You can't just hit the enemy until they're almost dead. Like Dark Souls, you have to find the right moment to attack the enemy before you become the victim.

If you want to enjoy the slow-paced gameplay, there are 2 control options you can choose from. First, you can play using the virtual controls which are a bit difficult because the buttons are almost covering the right side of the screen. Or, you can use an additional controller to make the gameplay easier and more enjoyable.


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