Hyrule Warriors Legends 2gb (Citra3DS Android) Perang colosal 3D hack n slash

Action 3D hack n slash kolosal sejenis game Dynasty warrior mungkin cuman ini satu"nya game kolosal di Konsol Portabel Nintendo 3DS soalnya jarang" Nintendo rilis game perang 3D Besar"an mirip Game" Dynasty warrior dan Basara PSP konsol saingan Nintendo 3DS selain perang saja khas Zelda ada beberapa puzzle Ringan alias tidak sulit dikarenakan pada game ini fokus ke Perang kolosal dimana misal puzzle mendapatkan Bom dari treasure buat menghancurkan batu yang menghalangi jalan dalam Stage

/Action 3D hack and slash colossal Dynasty Warrior type game maybe this is just a colossal game on the Nintendo 3DS Portable Console because rarely "Nintendo releases a large 3D war game" and resembles a game "Dynasty Warrior and Basara PSP console rival Nintendo 3DS other than war alone is typical Zelda there are some light puzzles aka not difficult because in this game the focus is on a colossal war where the puzzle for example gets a bomb from the treasure to destroy the stones blocking the way on the Stage

Hyrule Warriors Legends game ROM
Download part1
Download part2

Citra3ds emulator MMJ JIT 5mb

Ex Kernel Manager root (gk wajib Download)

Install :

1. Download semua file diatas
/ Download all the files above

2. Install emulator citra3ds .apk build mmj bila belum punya
/ Install the image3ds .apk build mmj emulator if you don't have one already


3. Extract Rom iso Gamenya .rar semua part kalo berbentuk part1 part2 dll
/ Extract Rom iso The game .rar all parts if it forms part1 part2 etc.

(Contoh Extract File game ROM iso)
Tunggu sampai selesai
/ Wait for now until finish

4. Buka emulator citra3ds build mmj lalu klik icon 3 titik di kanan refresh library lalu akan tampil gamenya
/Open the image3ds build mmj emulator then click the 3-point icon to the right of the refresh library and the game will appear

5. Setting sesuaikan dengan kebutuhan misal max resolution / fast speed (cpu jit) seperti gambar dibawah ini
/Settings adjust to the needs for example max resolution / fast speed (cpu jit) as shown below

(apabila FC jangan centang Enable Hardware shader)
/ (if FC don't check Enable Hardware shader)

6. Enjoy Play game offline emu citra3ds android

Setting Optional tambahan apabila HP kalian sudah "Root" buat menaikan speed FPS dengan catatan sama sama chipset Snapdragon 835 biar terasa signifikan speed FPS NYA dengan Aplikasi
"Ex Kernel Manager"

/Additional optional settings if your cell phone has "Root" to increase the FPS speed with the same notes as the Snapdragon 835 chipset so that it feels significant that the speed of the FPS is with the Application
"Ex Kernel Manager"

1. Wajib root alow SuperUser Aplikasi Ex kernel manager
/Required root alow SuperUser Ex kernel manager application

2. Buka aplikasi Ex kernel manager
/ Open the Ex kernel manager application

3. Setting masuk menu (CPU) Governor CPU ke Perfomance mode
/ Settings enter the menu (CPU) Governor CPU to Performance mode

4. Setting juga frequency ke 2 Cluster CPU ke Maksimal lihat gambar ini (MENTOK MAKSIMAL)
/ Also set the frequency to 2 CPU Clusters to Maximum see this picture (Set MAXIMUM)

5. Hasilnya akan sperti gambar dibawah ini samakan
/ The result will be like the picture below is the same

6. Setting juga masuk menu (GPU) Ke frequency Max semua
/ Settings also enter the menu (GPU) To all Max frequency

 7. Hasilnya akan seperti ini di SD835 Ratel cell
/ The result will be like this in SD835 Ratel cell

8. Play Offline Emulator 3DS on Android Max FPS

 Mungkin kalo kalian tau judul lain selain ini yang berjenis kolosal Perang Action di 3DS Bisa nambahin komentar dibawah!

/Maybe if you know other titles besides this colossal type War Action in 3DS Can add comments below!

Size game Rom iso full 2gb

 Seperti biasa Mimin play via Citra kali ini dengan Versi Citra official emulator 3DS yang ada di Playstore Perfoma cukup bagus dan Playable yang jelas Test di SD835

/As usual Mimin play via Citra this time with the official Image Version of the 3DS emulator in PlayStore Perfoma is quite good and the clear Playable Test on SD835

 Play via Citra3DS MMJ emulator 3DS Android

Spec Minimal :
Android Os : Nougat, OpenGL 3 + Vulkan 64 bit
Chipset (Processor + GPU) : Snapdragon 636, 660, 675, 710, 712, 720, 730, 835, 845, 855 dll

Gears :
📱Ratel Cell (Snapdragon 835 Android Oreo)
🎮 -
🎥 Mobizen
▶ Citra 3DS Official EMU v1

 Mode style action combat Dimana Openworld
 Mirip jenis game Dynasty Warriors Dan Basara
 Misi bos pertama
 Ada unsur Puzzle Ringan dapat treasure
 Berupa bom skill baru bom
 Buat menghancurkan rintangan baru yg menghadang

Video gameplay

Follow for daily post on Instagram @gameandroidoffline

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