Aero fly fs 20 Simulasi pesawat terbang game android Offline HD


Merupakan game simulasi tentang pesawat terbang size juga lumayan gede 3gb kurang lebih memang worth ini game dengan grafis bagus banyak simulasi mode misal pesawat tempur, pengangkut, dan pesawat pribadi atau Classic, game dibuat mirip sedemikian rupa dalam jalur penerbangan , bandara, rute dll

/It is a simulation game about aircraft, the size is also quite big, 3gb, more or less, it is worth this game with good graphics, lots of simulation modes, for example fighter planes, transporters, and private or Classic planes, the game is made similar in such a way in flight paths, airports, routes etc.

◾Title: Aero Fly FS 20
◾Genre: Simulation
◾Gameplay: 3D 
◾Year: 2019
◾Size: 3gb
◾Region: Global
◾Graphic quality: HD 
◾Internet: Offline
◾Multiplayer: -
◾Gamepad: -
◾Android: Lolipop+
◾Rating Playstore : 3.7 From 5
◾Rating: 6/10
◾Playstore : Yes 
◾Developer: Ipacs

Video Gameplay

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