Ada game baru lagi di tahun 2022 buatan karya game indie lokal dari Own Games, nah game yang terbarunya tentang Tahu bulat Story yap betul game Tahu bulat pernah ada juga kali ini gamenya dibalut dengan penuh cerita & animasi dan gameplay yang baru, meski sama" dengan game Tahu Bulat yang dulu bergenre Simulasi berjualan Tahu Bulat kita bisa mengembangkan beberapa usaha yang kita kelola. oh iya gamenya direkomendasikan oleh @_wolfman.nation_
Untuk download cek langsung playstore saja sudah tersedia size gamenya kecil juga cocok buat hp kentang. 30mb APK
Sedikit mimin bahas story' yang cukup bagus dimana perjuangan si Akang Tahu sebagai karakter utama di game ini , dia baru lulus dari Sekolah SMA nya dimana dalam cutscene pertama bersama temannya yg bernama Ujang, kemudian karakter utama yang kita sebut Akang tahu diceritakan berjualan ke Bandung yang asli rumahnya di tasik dan ternyata jualan itu dia ingin sekali kuliah melanjutkan sekolahnya karena dari keadaan orang tuanya bahwa uang kuliahnya belum ada nah dimana dia berinisiatif pamitan jualan ke Bandung itu buat mengembangkan usahanya itu.. disinilah cerita Tahu Bulat dimulai. sangat inspiratif juga ini game mantap buat dimainkan penuh dengan cerita Animasi serta ada pemilihan dialog membuat lebih realistis serta ini game masih terus di update untuk story lanjutannya
/There is another new game in 2022 made by a local indie game from Own Games, now the newest game is about Tahu round Story, yes, there has been a game Tofu round, this time the game is wrapped with full story & animation and new gameplay, although the same" with the Tofu Round game, which used to be a Simulation selling Round Tofu genre, we can develop some of the businesses that we manage, oh yes, the game was recommended by @_wolfman.nation_
To download, check directly from the Playstore, it's already available, the size of the game is small, it's also suitable for potato phones. 30mb APK
A little mimin discusses the story' which is quite good where the struggle of Abang Tahu as the main character in this game, he just graduated from his high school where in the first cutscene with his friend named Ujang, then the main character we call Abang Tahu is told to sell to Bandung who Originally, his house was in the lake and it turned out that he wanted to go to college to continue his education because of his parents' condition that there was no tuition fees, so he took the initiative to say goodbye to selling to Bandung to expand his business... this is where the Tofu Bulat story begins. very inspiring, this game is great to play with full animation stories and there is a selection of dialogues to make it more realistic and this game is still being updated for the next story
Info Game
📃Title : Tahu Bulat Stories
🎬Genre : Simulation
🎮Mode : Offline
🚻Multiplayer : -
⏱️Year : 2022
📱Platform : Android
📝Dev/Pub : Own Games
💾Size : 30mb++
⭐Rating : 4.5 / 5.0
🔖Store : Playstore (Free Game)
OS : Android 5 Up
Video Gameplay
Jualan Tahu Bulat sambil ikuti kisah petualangan Akang Tahu!
Game terbaru dari seri Tahu Bulat: TAHU BULAT STORIES!
Yuk, ikuti kisah petualangan Akang Tahu sambil berdagang Tahu Bulat!
Di game Tahu Bulat Stories, kamu ga cuma bakal jualan Tahu Bulat saja, tapi kamu bisa masak, menyajikannya ke pelanggan, meningkatkan bahan dan perlengkapan memasakmu, hinggaa... ngobrol dan mendengarkan kisah-kisah pelanggan setiamu!
Penasaran ga sih kenapa si Trio Kribo, si Teteh, Tante Eksis, dan pelanggan lainnya bisa sampai doyan banget sama Tahu Bulat?
Temukan juga pelanggan-pelanggan baru spesial di Tahu Bulat Stories seperti Bang Ojol!
Yuk, ikuti kisah mereka semua bersama cerita seru petualangan Akang Tahu di Tahu Bulat Stories!
/Selling Round Tofu while following the adventure story of Akang Tahu!
The newest game in the Tofu Round series: TAHU BULAT STORIES!
Come on, follow the adventure story of Abang Tahu while trading Round Tofu!
In the Tahu Bulat Stories game, you will not only sell Tahu Bulat, but you can cook, serve it to customers, improve your ingredients and cooking utensils, to... chat and listen to the stories of your loyal customers!
Are you curious about why the Trio Kribo, Teteh, Aunt Exis, and other customers are so fond of Tofu Bulat?
Also find special new customers at Tahu Bulat Stories like Bang Ojol!
Come on, follow their stories with the exciting adventures of Akang Tahu at Tahu Bulat Stories!
Video Gameplay
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