Limbo Best Indie Game Adventure Puzzle Platformer Back n White Android Version Offline

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Salah satu Game rekomendasi yang menurut Mimin sebagai Rating kategori terbaik versi Mimin nilai 9/10 Untuk indie game Android Offline

Gamenya sudah lama rilis bahas kembali disini karakter dimainkan seorang anak kecil berpetualang secara Linier Yakni disebut Genre Adventure Puzzle, nah dalam setiap stage disini terdapat Rintangan & Teka teki dalam perjalannya lebih ke Puzzle solving untuk menuju ke stage baru cukup menantang sih menurut Mimin,, lebih seru tamatin sendiri tapi jika susah cek YouTube aja :D game berlatar monochrome hitam putih membuat gamenya semakin menarik dan lebih terasa Dark yang penuh misteri dalam petualangan nya, size game full 400mb+ masih tersedia di Playstore. Oh iya gamenya support juga Gamepad Bluetooth tested iPega

/One of the recommended games according to Mimin as the best category rating for Mimin's version, the value is 9/10 For offline Android indie games

The game has been released a long time ago, here the character is played by a small child on a Linear Adventure, which is called the Adventure Puzzle Genre, now in every stage here there are obstacles & puzzles on the way to puzzle solving to get to a new stage, it's quite challenging according to Mimin, It's fun to finish alone, but if it's hard to check YouTube :D the game with a black and white monochrome background makes the game more interesting and feels more dark, full of mystery in its adventures, full game size 400mb+ is still available on Playstore. Oh yes, the game also supports Bluetooth Gamepad tested iPega pad

Info :
◾Title: Limbo
◾Genre: Adventure, Puzzle, Platformer
◾Gameplay: 2D
◾Year: 2015
◾Size full : 413mb
◾Region: Global
◾Graphic quality: HD (Monochrome)
◾Internet: Offline
◾Multiplayer: -
◾Gamepad: Yes
◾Android: Kitkat+
◾Rating Playstore : 4.7 From 5
◾Rating: 9/10
◾Playstore : Yes
◾Developer: Playdead

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