Beat Cop Bahas Lengkap Game 8bit Pixel Indie Android Offline

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Mimin tau baru" ini banyak game baru kaya Trails of mana, Neighbour back from hell, FF remastered yg baru" ini rilis ya kali ini bahas lengkap game "Beat Cop" dengan story yang cukup baik buat di review.

Sebagai game petualangan point-and-click yang menggambarkan kesibukan sehari-hari seorang polisi jalanan NYPD pada tahun 1980 ini, Beat Cop cukup bagus menyajikan berbagai hal yg realistis dengan keterbatasan grafik yg biasa saja karena game ini berlatar grafis Pixel 8bit ala indie Game

Pengalaman bermain juga tidak berkurang kala kalian
mamakai mod untuk membantu kalian dalam
menyelesaikan game dan berbagai quest yg diberikan.
Bukan saja quest nya yg realistis, tata kota berbagai gedung yg iconic, serta aktifitas para npc yg dinamis membuat game ini tidak menggambarkan rasa sepi buat player yg jomblo:v.

Pengaturan dan grafis pixel-art indah dan suram, tapi pendekatan terhadap dialog rasis dan misoginis tidak memiliki pesan khusus atau hanya sekedar (Dark
Jokes) semata, dengan karakter yang melontarkan makian tanpa konteks yg jelas yg membuat game ini friendly Fire buat anak".

Ada beberapa quest yg realistis dan juga quest yg menurut Mimin aduh banget, seperti saat harus membantu seorang pensiunan bintang 18+ merekam satu film terakhir nya :v

Walaupun game ini mengandung hal" kontroversial didalam nya, but game ini masih asik dan seru untuk dimainkan.

/I just found out that there are a lot of new games like Trails of Mana, Neighbor back from hell, the new remastered FF" this time, we will discuss the complete game "Beat The Cop" with a story that is good enough for a review.

As a point-and-click adventure game that depicts the daily grind of an NYPD street cop in 1980, Beat Cop is quite good at presenting a variety of realistic things with mediocre graphic limitations because this game is set in an indie game-style Pixel 8bit graphic.

The playing experience also doesn't decrease when you guys
use mods to help you in
complete the game and various quests given.
Not only the realistic quests, the city planning of various iconic buildings, and the dynamic activities of the NPCs make this game not describe the feeling of loneliness for single players: v.

The pixel-art settings and graphics are beautiful and grim, but the approach to racist and misogynistic dialogue has no particular message or is just plain (Dark
Jokes) only, with characters who throw cursing without a clear context that makes this game Fire friendly for children".

There are some realistic quests as well as quests that Mimin thinks are really bad, like when I have to help a retired 18+ star shoot his last film :v

Although this game contains controversial things in it, but this game is still cool and fun to play.

Title: Beat Cop
Dev/Pub:11Bit Studio
Genre: Adventure,Simulation,RPG,Point n Click
Store : Playstore 
Os Requirements: 4.1 or Up
Size: 230mb
Mode: Offline
Year : 2019

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