Metal Soldier 3 Squel New Shooter Platformer Like Metal Slug Android Game in 2021

Kali ini bahas game offline mirip Metal Slug game seru dengan size kecil, seri terbaru dari game tersebut. Yg baru rilis bulan juni, rada telat mimin share sih tapi gak apa" sekalian sekarang share mod nya.

Merupakan game action shooter side scrolling mirip metal slug, di seri terbaru nya ini grafis & visual jadi lebih bagus. Walaupun dari segi grafis terkesan biasa tapi game cukup seru & cocok dimainkan saat gabut.

Dengan kontrol yg mudah, 9 karakter yg bisa dipilih, dg jumlah 120 level, dg beragam musuh yg dilawan seperti tentara, bandit, tank, helicopter , pesawat tempur, dll. Player jg bisa menggunakan tank, helicopter, power mech.
Dan banyak jenis senjata yg di drop dalam

/This time we discuss offline games like Metal Slug, an exciting game with a small size, the latest series of the game. The new one was released in June, it's a bit late for me to share it, but that's okay, now share the mod.

This is a side scrolling action shooter game similar to metal slug, in this latest series the graphics & visuals are better. Although in terms of graphics, it seems ordinary, the game is quite fun & suitable to be played when it's empty.

With easy control, 9 characters to choose from, with a total of 120 levels, with a variety of enemies to fight such as soldiers, bandits, tanks, helicopters, fighter planes, etc. Players can also use tanks, helicopters, power mechs.
And many types of weapons are dropped in

Title: Metal Soldier 3
Developer : Play 365
Mode: Offline
Size: 117 mb
Versi: 2.91 (latest version)
Genre: Action, Shooter
Requirement : Android 4.1 and up
Year : 2021

Video Gameplay

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