Metal Slug 2 🎬Genre : Action Shooter Platfomer 🎮Mode : Offline 🚻Multiplayer : Yes (Via Bluetooth)

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So that it's complete, all of these two series are shared. Even though there is a series titled X which is a remake of this second series. Don't be surprised if later when you play, almost all levels and enemies are the same. There are only a few small things that are different, such as the absence of tanks in chapter 1. However, they are replaced with prisoners/parents who if we help instead of
giving items instead will help us
during the mission. By expending power
kind of kamehameha.
Very helpful, and even impressive funny too. However, for some reason, this Kamehameha prisoner was eliminated in Metal Slug
Xnya. Besides that there may still be some
other differences. Then the most memorable thing from the second series is that there are mummies that we have to fight against. And what's unique is that our character will also turn into a mummy, once exposed to the blue gas that these mummies spit out. That's why first, during the rental era
PS1, we always prefer to play Metal Slug 2 over the first one.

The problem is that the screen isn't full, actually we can make it full by changing the setting in the aspect ratio to full screen. Just for info, because usually someone asks about this problem. And for those who have a game-pad, you can play this game with your game-pad.
Because I think it's much more comfortable.
Although no complaints to control
the virtual. For me, sometimes I just press the wrong button when using the virtual controls.

/Biar lengkap, dua seri ini dibagi semua. Padahal ada seri berjudul X yang merupakan remake dari seri kedua ini. Jangan heran jika nanti saat bermain, hampir semua level dan musuhnya sama. Hanya ada beberapa hal kecil yang berbeda, seperti tidak adanya tank di chapter 1. Namun diganti dengan napi/orang tua yang jika kita bantu malah
memberikan item malah akan membantu kita
selama misi. Dengan mengeluarkan tenaga
sejenis kamehameha.
Sangat membantu, bahkan terkesan lucu juga. Namun entah mengapa, tahanan Kamehameha ini tersingkir di Metal Slug
Xnya. Selain itu mungkin masih ada
perbedaan lainnya. Kemudian hal yang paling berkesan dari seri kedua adalah ada mumi yang harus kita lawan. Dan uniknya karakter kita juga akan berubah menjadi mumi, setelah terkena gas biru yang dimuntahkan oleh mumi-mumi tersebut. Makanya dulu, saat era rental
PS1, kami selalu lebih suka memainkan Metal Slug 2 daripada yang pertama.

Soalnya layarnya tidak full, sebenarnya kita bisa membuatnya penuh dengan mengubah setting di aspek rasio menjadi full screen. Sekedar info, karena biasanya ada yang bertanya tentang masalah ini. Dan bagi yang memiliki game-pad, Anda dapat memainkan game ini dengan game-pad Anda.
Karena menurut saya jauh lebih nyaman.
Meskipun tidak ada keluhan untuk mengontrol
maya. Bagi saya, terkadang saya salah menekan tombol saat menggunakan kontrol virtual.


Video Gameplay

Info Game
📃Title : Metal Slug 2
🎬Genre : Action Shooter Platfomer
🎮Mode : Offline 
🚻Multiplayer : Yes (Via Bluetooth)
⏱️Year : 2013
📱Platform : Android,
📝Dev/Pub : SNK
💾Size : 44mb+
⭐Rating : 2.9 / 5.0
🔖Store : Playstore (Paid Game)
OS : Android 6 + Up

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