Braveland 🎬Genre : Turnbased, Strategy 🎮Mode : Offline Mod Money 200mb APK

Mod Money

Bagi anak-anak jadul yang memiliki PC di rumah, mungkin sudah tidak asing lagi dengan game hexagonal semacam ini. Namun jangan khawatir, gameplay ala jadul seperti ini masih tetap menarik untuk dimainkan hingga saat ini. Apalagi bagi kita yang menyukai permainan taktis atau strategi
RPG. Saya pikir itu bisa membuat ketagihan.
Game ini memiliki grafik kartun yang bagus, dengan latar dunia abad pertengahan.
Di mana masih ada sihir, juga makhluk
jenis goblin, golem dan lain-lain. Latar belakang ceritanya juga cukup menarik. Yaitu seorang petani yang terpaksa melawan karena desanya diserang dan dihancurkan oleh sekelompok bandit. Berbekal baju besi tua milik orang tuanya, dia juga bertekad untuk membunuh pembuat onar ini. Yang dalam perjalanannya, mulai banyak rekan yang bergabung.
Mitra ini akan menjadi pihak dalam pertempuran. Entah itu bergabung secara sukarela atau kita beli. Party inipun terdiri dari beberapa tipe, seperti Peasant bersenjata garpu, Archer, Patchfinder dan lain-lain. bersama
merekalah yang akan kita bertualang dan hadapi

dengan musuh lawan. Entah itu oleh bandit atau monster seperti goblin. Dan sama seperti party kita, mereka juga memiliki berbagai pion.
Meskipun berkesan dengan gaya permainan kasual. Gameplaynya menurut saya cukup menantang dan menyenangkan. Hal menyenangkan untuk game
RPG semacam ini adalah pengembangan dari kekuatan tempur seluruh party kita. Saya tidak tahu dengan
mencoba menaikkan levelnya, membeli
perlengkapan yang kuat, menambah jumlah anggota party dan lain-lain. Sebisa mungkin sejauh mana uang atau recehan yang kita miliki. Untuk menghadapi musuh yang kuat atau bos musuh di akhir bab.

/For old-school kids who have a PC at home, they might be familiar with this kind of hexagonal game. But don't worry, old school-style gameplay like this is still interesting to play today. Especially for those of us who like tactical or strategy games
RPGs. I think it can be addicting.
This game has good cartoon graphics, set in a medieval world.
Where there is still magic, as well as creatures
kind of goblins, golems and others. The background of the story is also quite interesting. Namely a farmer who was forced to fight because his village was attacked and destroyed by a group of bandits. Armed with old armor belonging to his parents, he too is determined to slay these troublemakers. Which in its journey, began there are many colleagues who join.
This partner will be the party in battle. Whether it's joining voluntarily or we buy. Even this party consists of several types, such as Peasant armed with a fork, Archer, Patchfinder and others. Together
it is them we will adventure and face off

with opposing enemies. Whether it's by bandits or monsters like goblins. And just like our party, they also have various pawns too.
Even though it's memorable in the style of a casual game. In my opinion, the gameplay is quite challenging and fun. Fun stuff for games
This kind of RPG is the development of our entire party's combat power. I don't know with
trying to level them up, buying
strong equipment, increase the quantity of party members and others. As far as possible as far as the money or coins we have. In order to deal with strong enemies or enemy bosses at the end of the chapter.


Video Gameplay

Info Game
📃Title : Braveland
🎬Genre : Turnbased, Strategy
🎮Mode : Offline 
🚻Multiplayer : -
⏱️Year : 2019
📱Platform : Android,
📝Dev/Pub : Tortuga Team
💾Size : 200mb+
⭐Rating :  4.3 / 5.0
🔖Store : Playstore 
OS : Android 4.4 + Up

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