Trulon the shadow engine RPG Turnbased Android From PS4 With Card Speeling Offline Game APK

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Game yang rilis juga dari PS4 kemudian di Android yg akan mengantar kalian ke Petualangan di dunia luas indah penuh misteri
Game Spin-off dari novel berjudul Trulon ini yg memiliki mekanism sistem pertarungan kartu yg unik untuk membuatnya lebih menonjol dan berbeda dari banyak RPG yg umum yg biasa nya memilili sistem spelling.

Cerita dimulai di dunia fantasy Tripudia, dengan pemburu monter Gladia yg diberi tugas untuk menemukan sumber penyakit mematikan dan misterius untuk melindungi seluruh kerajaan dari penyebaran lebih parah.
Keseluruhan cerita akan melihat gladia yg menyelamatkan teman" nya di sepanjang jalan, dan melintasi berbagai tempat penuh monster, Meskipun dasar narasinya cukup kuat untuk stoyline nya, tapi kurang menarik tanpa adanya visual atau cutscene, narasi yg di tonjolkan semua hanya berbasis teks yg kurang atraktif yg ngebuat sendiri bosen membaca nya.

Dunia dalam game nya pun cukup indah dan berkesan dengan aura di pedesaan yg nyaman, battle nya sendiri dimainkan dalam pertarungan berbasis turn-based, tetapi alih-alih rangkaian gerakan dan kemampuan standar yang harapkan, setiap karakter memiliki berbagai kartu 'taktik' untuk digunakan dalam pertarungan yg didapatkan dari berbagai sumber yg signifikan.

Pada awalnya sangat terkesan dengan ide yg segar ini, tetapi semakin lama bermain, semakin memperhatikan betapa sedikitnya kartu yang ada untuk setiap karakter.
Minus nya Animasi piksel yang muncul untuk gerakan juga flat, gerakan nya sama untuk setiap pilihan skill-kartu yg berbeda.

Setiap karakter nya memiliki serangan kartu taktik yg berbeda, yg membuat sedikit ada impresi yg kuat membuat mimin tetap memainkan nya selama 1jam ini, skill dari karakter nya memiliki skill yg dapat di kombinasikan untuk saling membantu.

Monster dalam game nya dibuat dengan baik dan bagus, setiap.level nya pun akan ada monster dengan jenis baru yg akan dilawan membuat game nya tidak repetitif di level design
Secara keseluruhan, ini adalah ide yang segar dan bagus banget, ditambah dengan premis yang layak dicoba, ya walau game nya tidak berkesan buat gw tapi Trulon: The Shadow
Engine adalah game yg layak di mainkan.

/A game that was also released from PS4 later on Android that will take you to an adventure in a beautiful wide world full of mysteries
This spin-off game from the novel entitled Trulon has a unique card battle system mechanism to make it more prominent and different from many common RPGs which usually have a spelling system.

The story begins in the fantasy world of Tripudia, with the monster hunter Gladia tasked with finding the source of a deadly and mysterious disease to protect the entire kingdom from further spread.
The whole story will see gladia saving her friends along the way, and crossing various places full of monsters, Although the narrative basis is strong enough for the stoyline, but it is not interesting without visuals or cutscenes, the narrative that is highlighted is all text-based which is less attractive which makes yourself bored reading it.

The in-game world is also quite beautiful and memorable with an aura of a comfortable countryside, the battles themselves are played in turn-based combat, but instead of the standard set of moves and abilities one would expect, each character has a variety of 'tactics' cards to use in combat. battles obtained from various significant sources.

At first I was really impressed with this fresh idea, but the longer you play, the more you notice how few cards there are for each character.
The minus is that the pixel animation that appears for the movement is also flat, the movement is the same for each different skill-card choice.

Each character has a different tactical card attack, which makes a little bit of a strong impression that makes Mimin keep playing it for 1 hour, the skills of the characters have skills that can be combined to help each other.

The monsters in the game are well-made and good, every level there will be new types of monsters to fight, making the game less repetitive at the design level.
Overall, this is a fresh and really good idea, plus a premise that is worth a try, yes even though the game didn't impress me but Trulon: The Shadow
Engine is a game worth playing.

Title: Trulon The Shadow Engine
Dev/Pub: Kyy Games, Lillbacka Powerco Oy
Genre: RPG,Turn Base, Card Games
Os Req: 4.1 or Upp
Size: 200Mb
Mode: Offline
Store : Playstore (Paid game)
Year : 2015

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