Tutorial Custom ROM Sony Xperia Play Paranoid Android & Turbo Kernel For Smooth Gaming Support Wifi Monitor Mode BCMON

Custom Rom Paranoid Android Xperia Play best For gaming Smooth Emulator ,PS,PSP/ppsspp, n64,nds etc, And Games APK Modern, OS Jellybean Based Android AOSP
Kali ini mimin bahas custom rom HP Xperia Play gaming android legend dari Sony yang dulunya Sony Ericsson sangat unik ini HP terdapat slide buat gampad tersendiri jadi gak perlu beli gamepad bluetooth lagi terus ada touchpad buat game-game yang support touchpad juga so ringkas review Xperia Play. Menurut mimin Custom ROM terbaik sudah di tested sendiri yakni perpaduan ROM Paranoid Android + Turbo Kernel (up to overlock) sangat smoot batre irit juga bisa melibas game-game android modern juga tinggal overclock aja jelas game bawaan dari xperia play juga bisa lancar pasalnya memang dirancang buat HP tersebut buat pemakian harian juga adem smooth lancar dah berikut Tutorial buat pasang / install custom ROM Sony Xperia play :

/Custom Rom Paranoid Android Xperia Play best For gaming Smooth Emulator PSP, And Games APK Modern, OS Jellybean Based Android AOSP
This time the admin discusses the custom rom HP Xperia Play android gaming legend from Sony, which used to be a very unique Sony Ericsson, this cellphone has a slide for its own gamepad, so there's no need to buy a bluetooth gamepad anymore, there's a touchpad for games that support touchpad too, so a brief review of Xperia Play . According to Mimin, the best Custom ROM has been tested myself, which is a combination of Paranoid Android ROM + Turbo Kernel (up to overlock) which is very smooth, the battery is efficient, it can also bulldoze modern Android games, just overclock, it's clear that the default games from Xperia Play can also run smoothly, the article is designed. for the cellphone for daily use, it's also cool and smooth, here's a tutorial to install / install a custom ROM Sony Xperia play:

1. Install  dulu driver adb / driver usb Sony Xperia play : Download

2. Unlock Bootloader di UBL dlu resmi dari Sony untuk UBL petunjuk web resmi UBL SONY cek Here : UBL Sony

3. Setelah HP Xperia Play kalian di UBL langkah selanjutnya pasang / install kernel (custom kernel) 
/After your HP Xperia Play is in UBL, the next step is to install / install the kernel (custom kernel)
Turbo Kernel : 

Tutorial install Custom kernel :

a. USB Debug mode On 
b. Masuk ke mode fastboot di HP Xperia play dengan cara matikan HP lalu tekan tombol Power+Search button bersamaan sampai tanda led biru
/Enter fastboot mode on HP Xperia play by turning off the cellphone then pressing the Power button + Search button together until the blue led sign

c. Open Flash tool Sony bagi yang belum punya flash tool  Download
Setelah flash tool di buka klik tanda halilintar klik fastboot
/After the flash tool is opened, click the lightning sign, click fastboot
  Lalu click fastboot mode
Select Kernel to flash disini cari custom kernel yang sudah di download tadi , format kernel biasanya .img kalo masih .Zip .7z. rar Extract dulu  lalu klik oke tunggu sampe selesai liat log catatan flashtool apabila sudah done kita ke tahap selanjutnya
/Select Kernel to flash here, look for the custom kernel that was downloaded earlier, the kernel format is usually .img if it is still .Zip .7z. rar Extract first then click OK, wait until it's finished, see the flashtool log, when it's done, we'll go to the next step

4. Nah ditahap ini karena sudah install custom kernel tadi kita bisa masuk cwm / Recovery di HP Xperia Play kalian nah cwm buat install
/Now at this stage, because we have installed the custom kernel earlier, we can enter CWM / Recovery on your Xperia Play, now CWM is for installing
Custom rom Paranoid Android : R800i GSM

Custom rom Paranoid Android : R800x CDMA

Tutorial install custom rom :

a. masuk ke menu Turbo dengan hp keadaan mati lalu nyalakan tekan tombol volume up bebrapa kali saat boot sampe masuk ke Turbo menu

/ go to the Turbo menu with the cellphone off then turn it on press the volume up button several times while booting until you enter the Turbo menu

b. Setelah masuk Turbo menu masuk settings and tools dan masuk Recovery Selection ubah ke CWM recovery dan restart sendirinya
/After entering the Turbo menu, enter settings and enter Recovery Selection, change to CWM recovery and restart itself

c. Masuk ke CWM dengan klik first boot lalu pilih masuk go ke CWM klik CWM Recovery nya
/Go to CWM by clicking first boot then select go to CWM click CWM Recovery

d. setelah masuk cwm menu klik wipe cache,dalvik,factory reset, ok lalu back

e. install zip from sdcard 

lalu cari custom rom yang tadi udah di download yg sudah di copy salin ke sdcard, pilih ok kemudian tunggu proses install custom rom sampai selesai setelah selesai reboot

/then look for the custom rom that was already downloaded to the sdcard select ok then wait for the custom rom install process to finish after rebooting

Back system / reboot HP tunggu awal booting sedikit lama sekitar 10-15menit dan berhasil proses pasang custom rom gaming xperia play selesai :D

/Back system / reboot HP, wait a little longer for the initial boot, about 10-15 minutes and the process of installing the xperia play custom rom is complete :D

Screenshot Custom ROM Paranoid Android Xperia Play 

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