Animus Revenant Hack n Slash Gameplay Android 2021 New APK+OBB MOD ALL


Game baru yang sudah rilis di Playstore bulan September 2021 sekarang , Rekomendasi 

Game series lain dari yang sebelumnya dari Animus Stand alone, Animus harbringer. 
Animus Revenant ini perlu OS Android Pie keatas masih ada promo potongan harga untuk 7 hari lagi cek Playstore saja 
Size game 1.5gb

Seperti series sebelumnya ini game bergenre Action hack n slash linier story games bernuansa Dark Souls Sejenis game dikombinasikan dengan efek skill yang Epic.

/Another game series from the previous one from Animus Stand alone, Animus harbringer.
This Animus Revenant needs Android Pie OS and above, there is still a discount promo for 7 more days, just check Playstore
Game size 1.5gb

Like the previous series, this game is an Action hack n slash linear story game with Dark Souls nuances. A type of game combined with epic skill effects.

Full Review : Animus Revenant

Yap animus skrang hadir dengan judul baru,gameplay baru dan cerita baru, entri terbaru dalam seri, Animus, sedikit berbeda.

Yg dulu berbasis menu/misi, Revenant memberikan kebebasan dunia game lengkap yang dapat kalian jelajahi dari awal sampai akhir, sebagai langkah kuat mengadaptasi mekanism souls like yg tentu tidak ada beda nya dengan seri pendahulunya. Tentu saja karna bergenre soulslike bikin Mimin penasaran untuk melihat seberapa baik perubahan dari seri revenant ini.

Yg membuat seri ini sangat berbeda dengan seri lainya tidak adanya weapon atau equipment upgrade selama kalian bermain so mau tidak mau kalian harus mencari/membuat
gear baru yg lebih tangguh di setiap ksempatan,karna yah game ini lebih hardcore dan brutal tanpa ampun untuk pemain nya yg ngebuat gw sendiri cukup frustasi.

Selain tidak adanya upgrading equipment elemen baru yg ditambah adalah customize layout yg bisa kalian ubah sesuka hati senyaman mungkin untuk kalian pencet" sampai ok dah tuh, dengan adanya sistem baru ini pemain akan lebih mudah beradaptasi dengan tombol nya karna jujur saja layout default game ini sangat menyulitkan bahkan buat mukul sekalipun.

Kalau dibilang Dark souls its more like darksouls bre lebih mirip gameplay dari bloodborne yg lebih menekankan sisi hardcore yg lebih brutal dari sebelum nya, bahkan saat masih di level awal kita akan melawan boss yg gila gila gila susah nya ckup lama buat gw sendiri buat ngalahin satu dari sekian boss yg nanti nambah bikin beban hidup.

Camera yg tadinya ada dibelakang player di sini pun diubah menjadi isometri top down yg buat gw sendiri cukup upset dengan gebrakan anyar seperti merubah formula yg sudah ada manjadi suka suka mereka kitu.

Yah bagaimana pun game ini keren dan epic memiliki susunan cerita yg abstrak jga bikin cukup confuse untuk mendalami lebih banyak cerita yg ada

/Full Review : Animus Revenant

Yep animus now comes with a new title, new gameplay and new story, the newest entry in the series, Animus, is a bit different.

Previously based on menus/missions, Revenant gives you the freedom of a complete game world that you can explore from beginning to end, as a strong step in adapting the souls like mechanism which is certainly no different from its predecessor series. Of course, because the soulslike genre makes Mimin curious to see how well this revenant series changes.

What makes this series very different from other series is the absence of weapons or equipment upgrades as long as you play, so like it or not you have to find/make
new gear that is tougher every time, because this game is more hardcore and brutal with no mercy for the players which makes me quite frustrated myself.

In addition to the absence of upgrading equipment, the new element that has been added is a customize layout that you can change as you like as comfortably as possible for you to press "until that's ok, with this new system players will be easier to adapt to the buttons because to be honest the default layout of this game is very simple. difficult even to hit though.

If you say Dark souls its more like darksouls bre it is more like gameplay from bloodborne which emphasizes the hardcore side which is more brutal than before, even when we are still at the initial level we will fight bosses who are crazy crazy crazy, it's hard enough for me to beat one of all the bosses who will add to the burden of life.

The camera that used to be behind the players here has also been changed to a top down isometry which makes me quite upset with new breakthroughs such as changing an existing formula to liking them.

Well, after all this game is cool and epic, it has an abstract story structure that doesn't make it confusing enough to explore more of the existing stories

Link Store

Title : Animus Revenant
Genre : Action
Dev/Pub : Tenbirds
Size : 1.5gb
Year : 2021
Store : Playstore (Paid Game)

Video Gameplay

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