Evil Nun Maze - Endless Escape New Android Offline Game Horror in 2021

Bahas game offline yg baru rilis di Android, size keci namun punya visual grafis yang bagus. Seri terbaru dari game " evil nun " yg makin bagus dari segi grafis namun sistem gameplay berbeda tapi tetep seru.

Game yg pernah dimainkan " miawaug " saat masih rilis di ios.
Merupakan game horor first person dengan puzzle labirin, dengan sistem gameplay berbasis stage / floor / level walaupun level terasa easy, jangan remehkan game ini, karna semakin tinggi akan semakin susah & labirin nya akan semakin luas. Btw kejadian / story di game ini berada diantara game evil nun 1 & 2

Digame ini player akan berjelajah di suatu ruang seperti labirin untuk mencari tombol untuk membuka lift agar bisa ke floor berikutnya. Digame ini player jg diharuskan mengambil koin emas yg berguna untuk mengupgrade Ability karakter seperti mempercepat larinya, magnet, mempercepat menekan tombol, dll

Selain mode biasa, digame juga ada mode practice/ ghost, dimana player tidak akan terlihat oleh nun nya.

Discuss offline games that have just been released on Android, small in size but have good visual graphics. The latest series of the game "evil nun" which is getting better in terms of graphics but the gameplay system is different but still fun.

Game ever played "Miawaug" when it was released on iOS.
This is a first person horror game with a maze puzzle, with a stage / floor / level based gameplay system, even though the level feels easy, don't underestimate this game, because the higher the level, the more difficult it will be & the wider the labyrinth. Btw the events/story in this game are between the evil nun games 1 & 2

In this game the player will explore a room like a maze to find the button to open the elevator to get to the next floor. In this game the player is also required to take gold coins which are useful for upgrading the character's abilities such as speeding up his run, magnetism, speeding up pressing buttons, etc.

In addition to the usual mode, in the game there is also a practice/ghost mode, where the player will not be seen by the nun.

Title: Evil Nun Maze - Endless Escape
Developer: Kemplerians Horror Games
Mode : Offline
Size: 92 mb
Versi: 1.0.1 (latest version)
Genre: Horror, Puzzle
Requirement: Android 4.4 and up

Video Gameplay

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