Sclerosis: The Dark Descent Fan Made Game From Amnesia Horror Android Offline New 2021

Ini adalah game Horror survival disajikan efek suara & nuansa gelap lebih berasa Alangkah baiknya gunakan Headset, serta feel horor sangat terasa.

Awalnya versi PC kemudian Game porting ke Android di PC cukup Populer judul game Horror Ini " amnesia: the dark descent " developer dari " Frictional Games " yang udh rilis sejak 2010 diberbagai platform serta satu dev. dengan game Amnesia Rebirth ".

Dan sekarang ini di port (remake unofficial ) oleh seorang mahasiswa muda dari universitas Negri Moskow, saat senggang tau mau melakukan apa saat dirumah aja , akhirnya dia mencoba membuat 3 game sederhana & mulai tertarik membuat proyek lebih besar dg membuat port dari game kesukaannya dari dev. Frictional Games (Gabut yg bermanfaat)

Game nya sekarang masih dalam tahap demo dan tahap demo ini mencakup 6 lokasi original dari game (sampai ke pintu masuk ke Distillery). Game port (demo) yg satu ini bakal ada full version, ya mimin yakin, alasan nya karna port ini sudan dapat izin dari developer aslinya untuk merilis port game nya, tapi dg syarat Nama " Amnesia " diganti. Developer yang port game juga bilang kalo game nya akan free download saat rilis. Game yg menarik untuk dishare .

Untuk story game nya sendiri kurang tau bakal sama persis game aslinya, search aja alur singkat game " Amnesia the dark descent ini
Game sangat berat untuk HP kentang, coba di ram 2 snapdragon 400 an lag parah walaupun di set. Low grafis, alangkah baiknya untuk kelas Mid end yakni Snapdragon 660 keatas bakalan lancar deh

/This is a survival horror game, with sound effects & darker nuances. It would be nice to use a headset, and feel the horror.

Initially the PC version then the game was ported to Android on PC quite popular. This Horror game title "amnesia: the dark descent" developer from "Frictional Games" which has been released since 2010 on various platforms and one dev. with the game Amnesia Rebirth".

And now it's being ported (unofficial remake) by a young student from Moscow State University, in his spare time he knows what to do at home, finally he tries to make 3 simple games & is getting interested in making a bigger project by making a port of his favorite game from the dev . Frictional Games (Useful Peat)

The game is currently still in demo stage and this demo stage includes 6 original locations from the game (up to the entrance to the Distillery). This game port (demo) will have a full version, I'm sure, the reason is because this port has received permission from the original developer to release the game port, but on condition that the name "Amnesia" is changed. The developer who ported the game also said that the game would be free to download when it was released. Interesting game to share.

For the story game itself, I don't know if it will be exactly the same as the original game, just search for this short game "Amnesia the dark descent"
The game is very heavy for a potato HP, try on ram 2 snapdragon 400, the lag is severe even though it is set. Low graphics, it would be nice for the Mid end class, namely Snapdragon 660 and above, it would be smooth

Title : Sclerosis: The Dark Descent
Developer: CreateaM
Mode: Offline
Size: 439 mb
Version: 0.4
Genre: Horror, 
Requirement : Android 4.4 and up
Status : Game Demo
PlayStore : No

Video Gameplay

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