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Game horror yang sudah tidak tersedia di playstore yang menurut Mimin lumayan bagus, rilis sudah lama sekitar tahun 2016 lalu
Salah satu alasan game bisa dikategorikan bagus mantap dikarenakan bukan hanya sekedar Horror atau jumpscare saja. Game ini juga di Porting dari platform PC / Steam , yang mau download versi PC bisa cek steam juga..
Kita disuguhi dengan grafik efek VHS dan skema warna yang khas dari game ini.. memberi nuansa 1980an yang cukup realistis, segi musuh atau hantu sangat repetitive Karena setiap lokasi memiliki twist yang berbeda dan musuh baru untuk dihadapi.
Cuman dari segi control perlu penyesuaian dari tombol rotating camera bagi yang belum terbiasa akan sedikit sulit.
Secara cerita akan berkembang cerita misterius selama kalian bermain menemukan apasih maksudnya..
Entah game bagus kenapa di hapus di playstore. Buat download bisa cek di blog Mimin Atau search google saja
/A horror game that is no longer available in the play store, which according to Mimin is pretty good, was released a long time ago around 2016
One of the reasons games can be categorized well is because they are not just horror or jumpscare. This game is also ported from the PC / Steam platform, those who want to download the PC version can check Steam too ..
We are treated to VHS effect graphics and a color scheme that is typical of this game .. giving a realistic 1980s feel, the enemy or ghost side is very repetitive because each location has a different twist and new enemies to join.
Only in terms of control, it is necessary from the rotating camera button for those who are not used to it, it will be a little difficult.
As a story, a mysterious story will develop as long as you play to find out what it means ..
I don't know why it was deleted in the Playstore. For downloads, you can check on the Mimin blog or just search google
Info :
◾Title: The final take
◾Genre: Horror
◾Gameplay: 3D First Person + Virtual analog/pad.
◾Year: 2016
◾Size full: 300mb+
◾Region: Global
◾Graphic quality: HD Monochrome
◾Internet: Offline
◾Gamepad: -
◾Android: Jellybean+
◾Rating Playstore : 4.2 from 5
◾Rating: 6/10
◾Playstore : No
◾Developer: ForeverEntertainment
Video Gameplay
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