Game Baru Horror Android Offline 2021Hadal: Indian Horror Game

Here, I'm sharing a good new offline game, with a small size but good graphics & visuals, this game is still a demo (full release) game from India
It's a horror game with a good first-person perspective, the dark feel and the feel of the horror is quite strong, plus the backsound is supportive and Indian-style, like the sound of foot bells (I forgot the name) jingling.
This game tells the main character who always has nightmares about past events related to a house that is now inhabited by a family: husband, wife, and a child, but a husband and wife pair died in the house and their child mysteriously disappeared, people around said the house it's haunted. And here the main character in this game goes to the house & investigates the house hoping that the nightmare will end. And when he entered the house, strange things began to happen such as the sound of children's laughter, the sound of bells, the appearance of a mysterious figure, etc. Sure enough it turned out that the house was inhabited by a creature named "hadal" = a "'marathi" / witch, with the figure of a thin woman with pale white skin with hair covering her face

/Nih gw share game ofline baru yg bagus, dg SIze kecil tapi grafis &visual bagus, game ini masih demo (blom rilis fullnya) game dari India
Merupakan game horror dg sudut pandang orang pertama yg bagus, nuansa gelap & feel horor udh cukup kerasa, ditambah backsound yg mendukung dan ala2 india seperti ada bunyi lonceng kaki (gw lupa namanya) yg bergemerincing.
Game ini menceritakan tokoh utama yg slalu mengalami mimpi buruk tentang kejadian masa lalu berhubungan satu rumah yg sekarang ditinggali satu keluarga: suami, istri, dan seorang anak, namun sepasang suamí - istri itu tewas didalam rumah itu& anaknya hilang secara misterius, orang sekitar bilang rumah itu berhantu. Dan disini karakter utama digame ini pergi ke rumah itu & menyelidiki rumah itu berharap mimpi buruk itu bisa berakhir. Dan saat masuk kerumah itu mulai terjadi keanehan seperti suara tawa anak2, suara lonceng, penampakan sosok misterius, dll. Benar saja ternyata rumah itu dihuni oleh makhluk yg bernama " hadal " = seorang "'marathi"/ penyihir , dg sosok wanita kurus dg kulit putih pucat dg rambut yg menutupi wajahnya.

Title: Hadal: Indian Horror Game
Developer Arkhive Studio
Version : 0.6 (latest version)
Size: 95 mb
Genre: Horror
Requirement: Android 4.4 and up

Video Gameplay

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