Oregon Trail HD Game Ringan Simulasi 7mb Lawas Jadul Gameloft Game Offline

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Oregon trail The version before the Oregon trail Settler is titled Oregon Trail HD which was released on Android the game is small at 7mb and maybe this is an adaptation of the Java series with development for the Android Platform support touchscreen control, of course this version is Offline. Continuing the discussion of the Oregon game that Mimin previously posted the latest Oregon Remake on the Mobile platform which was also developed by Gameloft, if Oregon Trail HD was released in 2012, it's just that now it's a bit difficult the game isn't available on Playstore anymore. To download, you can just google it or check on mimin's blog

/Oregon trail Versi sebelum Oregon trail Settler yaitu dengan judul Oregon Trail HD yang rilis di Android gamenya kecil 7mb dan mungkin ini adaptasi dari series Java dengan pengembangan untuk Platform Android support control touchscreen tentunya versi ini Offline. ,melanjutkan pembahasan game Oregon yang sebelumnya Mimin posting Oregon Remake terbaru di platform Mobile yang dikembangkan oleh Gameloft juga , kalo Oregon Trail HD ini rilis tahun 2012 lalu, cuman sekarang rada susah gamenya tidak tersedia di Playstore lagi. Untuk Download bisa google saja atau cek di blog mimin

Title : Oregon Trail HD
Dev/Pub : Gameloft
PlayStore : No 
Paltform : Android
Size : 7mb
Genre : Simulation
Year : 2021
Requirements : Android 1.5+
Mode : Offline

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