Midaxnite Game Baru Ultra Grafis di Tahun 2021 (Android Offline Mode)

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Cool Fren, another new OFFLINE Game released in 2021 with ultra graphics that spoil the eyes.
The recommended specifications are rather high, Snapdragon 660 chipset and above and 3GB RAM +

Midaxnite is a shooter with impeccable graphics that offers competitive battles in well-detailed maps and game modes that will give you a hard time,

the game will evolve over time in multiplayer, the combat mode will depend only on your skills in terms of play and handling of your champions. Over the course of the game, you will learn new mechanisms and gain knowledge, which will allow you to

/Keren Fren, Game OFFLINE baru lagi yang rilis di tahun sekarang 2021 dengan ultra graphics yang memanjakan mata.
Rekomend spesifikasi agak tinggi Chipset Snapdragon 660 keatas serta ram 3gb+

(Tested Ratel Cell Snapdragon 835 Ram 6gb)

Title: Midaxnite
Genre: Action, TPS, Openworld. 
Size: 700 mb (full size 1.5 gb)
Year : 2021
Store : Playstore (Free Game)
Dev / Pub : Tasmine
Rating : 3.9 from 

Video Gameplay

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