Someone else New Horror game Android Offline in 2021 APK Mod

Game baru di tahun 2021 Memiliki genre psychological horror membuat game ini tidak terlalu ribet karna tidak adanya puzzle atau item yg harus di collect selama permainan berlangsung.
Yap yg kalian hanya lakukan adalah mengikuti alur cerita dalam game nya saja, ya walau hanya mengikuti alur cerita jgan slah
Iho kalian harus cermat dalam melihat sekitar area agar terlihat sebuah jalan yg harus kalian lalui dan jga kalian jga harus adu cepat dengan batre kamera kalian yg cept banget abis nya.

Walau ukuran nya kecil namun engine yg dipakai adalah UE4 yg terbilang cukup bagus hanya saja tidak ada pengaturan gameplay atau grafik yg bisa mengoptimalkan permainan agar
lebih puas saja.

Selain itu voice actor nya jga lumayan lah walau agak kurang realistic.kontrol nya disini cukup unik Iho mengadaptasi joystick dan jga kalian bisa menggunakan gyro jadi kalian bisa keliling rumah dengan memainkan game ini agar kakakter nya berjalan.

Yg sangat menggangu mimin adalah joystick yg terlalu gede yg hampir menutupi sebagian layar, ya jelas sangat mengganggu pengalaman bermain gw yg sangat singkat ini, ya walau bagaimanapun game ini menarik banget dengan visual nya dan jga atmosfer horror yg oke

/A new game in 2021. Having the psychological horror genre makes this game not too complicated because there are no puzzles or items that must be collected during the game.
Yep, all you do is follow the story line in the game, even if you only follow the story don't get me wrong
Hey, you have to be careful in looking around the area so you can see a road that you have to go through and you don't have to compete with your camera battery which runs out very quickly.

Although the size is small, the engine used is UE4 which is quite good, it's just that there are no gameplay or graphics settings that can optimize the game so that
more satisfied.

Besides that, the voice actor is also not bad, although a bit less realistic. The controls here are quite unique, Iho adapted the joystick and also you can use the gyro so you can go around the house playing this game so that the brother can run.

What really annoys me is the joystick that is too big, which almost covers part of the screen, yes, it's obviously very disturbing to my very short playing experience, even though this game is really interesting with its visuals and a good horror atmosphere

Title: Someone Else
Dev/Pub: ViroomiR
Genre: Horror,
Store: Playstore (Free Game)
Android OS: 6.0 or Up
Year : 2021

Video Gameplay

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