Game zombie ini emang jalan banget, bikin deg-degan terus was-wasnya ga ketulungan. Bayangin aja, dikejar-kejar sama zombie yang ngebut dan serangan bergerombol, pasti bikin jantung dag-dig-dug. Grafisnya lumayan bagus dan kontrolnya nyaman banget. Menurut gue, nuansa gameplaynya mirip banget sama game horor FPS kayak Mental Hospital, tapi ditambahin aja zombie-zombie yang siap ngamuk dan ngejar-ngejar player. Di game ini, lu bakal jadi Sara Foster, seorang petugas pemerintahan US yang dikasih misi berbahaya sama Dr. Parker, seorang ahli genetika yang lagi berusaha nyari vaksin biar manusia jadi kebal dari virus zombie. Sara, yang kebal dari virus, bakal sering banget ngejalanin misi di berbagai tempat. Ceritanya dimulai dari tahun 2017, waktu Korea Utara lagi ngembangin senjata biologi canggih. Sampe akhirnya di tahun 2021, proyek Black Widow yang dari jamur itu gagal dan virusnya menyebar ke seluruh dunia. Umat manusia hampir punah di tahun 2023, 95%nya udah mati dan terinfeksi Black Widow. Sisa-sisa manusia yang masih bertahan bikin koloni di seluruh dunia. Ada juga kelompok ilmuwan yang masih hidup yang lagi berusaha nyari vaksin biar manusia bisa kebal dari virus mematikan itu.
/This zombie game is really intense, making your heart race and keeping you on edge constantly. Just imagine being chased by fast zombies in hordes, it would definitely make your heart beat faster. The graphics are pretty good and the controls are very comfortable. In my opinion, the gameplay atmosphere is very similar to horror FPS games like Mental Hospital, but with the added element of rampaging zombies chasing after the player. In this game, you play as Sara Foster, a US government official who is given a dangerous mission by Dr. Parker, a genetic expert who is trying to find a vaccine to make humans immune to the zombie virus. Sara, who is immune to the virus, will go on missions in various locations. The story starts in 2017, when North Korea was developing advanced biological weapons. Eventually, in 2021, the Black Widow project from the fungi failed and the virus spread worldwide. By 2023, almost all of humanity was extinct, with 95% dead or infected by the Black Widow virus. The remaining survivors formed colonies around the world. There are also groups of surviving scientists trying to find a vaccine to make humans immune to the deadly virus.
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