Nih game jadul bikinan gameloft emang keren banget, gameplay dan grafisnya bikin speechless. Gue rasa pengalaman main game ini bener-bener deket banget sama main di konsol, beda banget sama game memancing yang gue coba di HP android lain. Di awal game, lo bakal milih salah satu dari tiga karakter pemancing yang bisa lo mainin, 2 cowok 1 cewek. Gak ada yang istimewa dari karakter-karakter itu, cuma jadi avatar aja yang namanya lo bisa ganti-ganti. Biasanya pasti, awal main game lo cuma pemancing amatir, tujuannya jadi profesional terkenal di seluruh dunia. Lo bakal lewatin serangkaian misi panjang di lima lokasi dengan 15 spot pemancingan di seluruh dunia. Lewatin misi-misi itu yang bakal bikin lo berjuang demi impian lo. Banyak banget misi berbeda yang harus lo selesain di tiap spot. Kadang lo harus daptain ikan terbesar, atau kadang harus tangkep spesies tertentu yang lagi ngetren di spot pemancingan lo. Macem-macem misi ini yang bikin game ini seru dan challenging. Ada PDA buat cek misi yang harus lo selesain, jadi kalo lo lupa, buka aja email virtual di PDA lo. Di dalam PDA juga ada berbagai pengetahuan tentang pemancingan yang bisa ngebantu lo selama main game ini. Setelah lo selesain misi, lo bakal dapet reward berupa uang. Duit itu bisa lo pake buat beli atau upgrade perlengkapan memancing kayak joran, senar, dan kail. Gak tau pengaruhnya apa sama gameplay, tapi tampilan alat pancing yang lo upgrade berubah. Soal kontrol, nantilah lo bakal tau sendiri pas main.
/This old school game made by Gameloft is really cool, the gameplay and graphics make me speechless. I feel like the experience of playing this game is really close to playing on a console, unlike other fishing games I've tried on other Android phones. At the beginning of the game, you will choose one of three fishing characters that you can play, 2 guys and 1 girl. There's nothing special about these characters, they're just avatars that you can change the name of. Usually, at the beginning of the game, you are just an amateur fisherman, with the goal of becoming a famous professional worldwide. You will go through a series of long missions in five locations with 15 fishing spots around the world. Completing these missions will help you fight for your dream. There are a lot of different missions that you have to complete at each spot. Sometimes you have to catch the biggest fish, or sometimes you have to catch a specific species that is popular in your fishing spot. It's these various missions that make this game exciting and challenging. There's a PDA to check the missions you have to complete, so if you forget, just check your virtual email on your PDA. Inside the PDA, there is also various fishing knowledge that can help you during the game. After completing a mission, you will receive a reward in the form of money. You can use this money to buy or upgrade fishing equipment like rods, lines, and hooks. I don't know if it affects gameplay, but the upgraded fishing gear looks different. As for controls, you will see for yourself when you play it later.
Extract Data
Internal/gameloft/ games/
Extract License
internal/ android/ gameloft/
Video Gameplay
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