Sundel Bolong Revenge Genre : Horror Size : 50mb Game Baru Karya Anak Bangsa 2021 / 2022

Bahas Game Mobile Android Terbaru yang developer asal Indonesia karya anak bangsa membuat game tema Horror gamenya tentu Offline oke berikut Komentar dari Sang Developer nya
"Halo semua ane Mau ngasih tau kalo ane dah bikin game baru namanya" Sundel bolong revenge" dan di game kali ini game play nya berbeda, kita bakal main petak umpet dan kejar kejaran Ama si sundel bolong nya, dan juga kita di haruskan nyari item buat mecahin teka teki, ane harap kalian semua terhibur.
Link : cek di playstore
NB game nya masih demo, kemungkinan ada bug di game tersebut, sedikit tips, kalo kalian pencet continue dan masih di tempat semula, kalian balik lagi ke main menu lalu pencet lagi.
NB: untuk Iklan nya belum bisa di pasang gan jadi Otomasi game nya gk bisa di continue, soalnya nunggu beberapa hari iklan nya baru muncul gan, mohon di maklumi.
NB: sedikit tips untuk optimasi game nya, matikan post processing dan shadow di menu Options biar game nya makin
NB: maaf kalo game nya mirip Ama game HSH karena ane memang ter inspirasi dari game tersebut, dan memang dari dulu ane pengen bikin game kayak itu jadi maaf kalo ane plagiat, justru karena game tersebut ane pengen jadi Dev game..dan untuk assets ane bikin sendiri cuma konsep nya aja ane terapin"

/Discuss the Latest Android Mobile Games, which developers from Indonesia created by the nation's children, make Horror-themed games, the game is offline okay, along with comments from the developer
"Hello everyone, I want to let you know that I have made a new game called "Sundel Bolong's Revenge" and in this game the game play is different, we will play hide and seek and chase Ama the Sundel Bolong, and we also have to look for items to solve the puzzle, I hope you all are entertained.
Link: check on playstore
NB the game is still a demo, maybe there is a bug in the game, a few tips, if you press continue and it's still in the original place, you go back to the main menu and press it again.
NB: the ads can't be installed, bro, so the game automation can't be continued, because you have to wait a few days for the ads to appear, bro, please understand.
NB: a few tips for optimizing the game, turn off post processing and shadow in the Options menu to make the game even better
NB: sorry if the game is similar to Ama game HSH because I was really inspired by that game, and indeed I have always wanted to make a game like that so sorry if I plagiarized, precisely because of this game I wanted to be a game Dev...and for my assets make it yourself, just the concept, I'll treat it"

Info Game

Title : Sundel Bolong Revenge
Genre : Horror
Size : 50mb
Platform : Android
Dev/ Pub : LazySoft
Year : 2021 / 2022
PlayStore : Yes (Free Game)
Rating : 4.8 from 5

Video Gameplay

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