EVOLAND 2 GENRE : RPG SIZE : 272MB DEV/ pub : Playdigious Year : 2018 Store : Playstore, Appstore (Paid Game) Rating : 4.2 from 5 Game Like The Legend of Zelda

#gamesetengahjadul game that I downloaded in 2019 and I'm still playing it until now and it's not finished yet because the x1 puzzle is stressful, but it's fun, bro, just try it, an open word rpg game that combines all elements from rpg.fighting, tactics etc. and the progress is even more great. going up the graphics quality will change from 8bit to 3D, just try it, from the title Evoland the evolution of video game history is that the graphics in the game change as we progress to complete this game.
Note, actually there is also Evolan 1, Mimin has completed it first, now to download, please download it on Playstore size 272MB full Offline

#gamesetengahjadul game yang saya download di 2019 dan masih saya mainin sampai sekarang dan belum tamat tamat gara x1 puzzelnya bikin setres wkwkw tapi seru bro coba aja, game rpg open word yang menggabungkan semua element mulai dri rpg.fighting,tactic dll dan lebih hebatnya setiap progres naik bakalan berubah kualitas grafisnya mulai dri 8bit sampai 3D pokoknya coba aja intinya dari judulnya Evoland evolusi sejarah video game video game disini adalah grafis pada game berubah seiring Progress Kita menyelesaikan game ini.
Catatan sebenarnya juga ada evolan 1 sudah Mimin tamaktkan dulu, nah untuk mendownload silahkan download di playstore size 272mb full Offline 

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Info game 
Title : EVOLAND 2
SIZE : 272MB
DEV/ pub : Playdigious
Year : 2018
Store : Playstore, Appstore (Paid Game)
Rating : 4.2 from 5
Platform : Android, iOS

Video Gameplay

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