Info Game
Title : King Battle fighting hero legend
GENRE : Action
Mode : Offline
Size : 93 mb
Mod : money
Year : 2018
Build your own epic hero in "King battle: Fighting Hero legend" and join the most exciting adventures in history!
The evil army launched a war . The dragon was also demonizing . They were extremely cruel . Blood made them feel crazy . At this time , the respected hero , you need to take up arms , fight for justice and peace for the world . Defeat all the monsters , called the epic hero , explore the collapse of the monster world , enjoy good quality comparable to the host of the game , but to experience new combat system to get started , you will not be idle , a thrilling battle will make you too busy to attend to all ! Hero is back , abandon the cozy life, in order to prevent the monster from the kingdom of hegemony and start the ARPG battle !
Game function
Many tasks:
Save the survivors
The specified number of monsters, and beat the evil dragon warrior
Destroy the enemy defense tower
Defend our crystal
An exciting BOSS battle
Game features:
The role of a variety of attributes: Kung Fu young, Monkey King, soldier of the future as you choose
Arpg's powerful battle map
High quality audio-visual fighting feast
Unprecedented highest degree of freedom Arpg
Epic fighting has been opened, a new journey of diversification, the most powerful armament and legendary heroes and heroics
You come to collect them! Come and join the battle!
The evil army launched a war . The dragon was also demonizing . They were extremely cruel . Blood made them feel crazy . At this time , the respected hero , you need to take up arms , fight for justice and peace for the world . Defeat all the monsters , called the epic hero , explore the collapse of the monster world , enjoy good quality comparable to the host of the game , but to experience new combat system to get started , you will not be idle , a thrilling battle will make you too busy to attend to all ! Hero is back , abandon the cozy life, in order to prevent the monster from the kingdom of hegemony and start the ARPG battle !
Game function
Many tasks:
Save the survivors
The specified number of monsters, and beat the evil dragon warrior
Destroy the enemy defense tower
Defend our crystal
An exciting BOSS battle
Game features:
The role of a variety of attributes: Kung Fu young, Monkey King, soldier of the future as you choose
Arpg's powerful battle map
High quality audio-visual fighting feast
Unprecedented highest degree of freedom Arpg
Epic fighting has been opened, a new journey of diversification, the most powerful armament and legendary heroes and heroics
You come to collect them! Come and join the battle!
/Bangun pahlawan epik Anda sendiri dalam "Pertempuran Raja: Legenda Pahlawan Berjuang" dan bergabunglah dengan petualangan paling mengasyikkan dalam sejarah!
Tentara jahat melancarkan perang. Naga itu juga menjelekkan. Mereka sangat kejam. Darah membuat mereka merasa gila. Pada saat ini, pahlawan yang dihormati, Anda harus mengangkat senjata, berjuang untuk keadilan dan perdamaian bagi dunia. Kalahkan semua monster, yang disebut pahlawan epik, jelajahi runtuhnya dunia monster, nikmati kualitas bagus yang sebanding dengan tuan rumah permainan, tetapi untuk mengalami sistem pertempuran baru untuk memulai, Anda tidak akan diam, pertempuran yang mendebarkan akan membuat Anda terlalu sibuk untuk menghadiri semua! Pahlawan kembali, tinggalkan kehidupan yang nyaman, untuk mencegah monster dari kerajaan hegemoni dan memulai pertempuran ARPG!
Fungsi permainan
Banyak tugas:
Selamatkan yang selamat
Jumlah monster yang ditentukan, dan kalahkan prajurit naga jahat
Hancurkan menara pertahanan musuh
Pertahankan kristal kita
Pertarungan BOSS yang seru
Fitur permainan:
Peran berbagai atribut: Kung Fu muda, Raja Kera, prajurit masa depan yang Anda pilih
Peta pertempuran kuat Arpg
Pesta pertempuran audio-visual berkualitas tinggi
Tingkat kebebasan tertinggi yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya Arpg
Pertarungan epik telah dibuka, perjalanan diversifikasi baru, persenjataan paling kuat, serta pahlawan dan kepahlawanan legendaris
Anda datang untuk mengumpulkannya! Datang dan bergabunglah dalam pertempuran!
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