Gun Fire .sis 600kb bermain game hp jadul Nokia Symbian di Android

EKA2L1 Symbian emulator .apk

GunFire .sis Game Download
(For Symbian Devices s60v1 & v2 install .sis regulary)

Hey yo, this time Mimin is posting a retro Symbian Nokia s60 game. It's been a long time since I posted a Shooter game called GunFire, a very epic war game. Maybe if you don't focus, you can lose in the middle of the stage, you have to finish fighting the boss at the end of each stage. .. choice of weapons that can be obtained during battle and there is the ultimate weapon bomb that can celebrate the battlefield. Game size 600kb.sis is played with the EKA2L1 Emulator on Android, now the game is Playable on the latest version of the emulator with the Firmware used N70 okay just go ahead here's the tutorial:

/Hey yo, Kali ini Mimin posting game Retro Symbian Nokia jaman dulu s60 sudah lama tidak posting lagi sekarang game Shooter yang berjudul GunFire permainan perang perangan yang sangat Epic Mungkin kalo tidak fokus bisa" kalah di tengah Stage harus selesai sampai melawan Bos di tiap stage akhir.. pilihan senjata yang bisa didapatkan saat dalam pertempuran dan ada bom senjata pamungkas yang bisa merayakan Medan perang. Size game 600kb.sis dimainkan dengan Emulator EKA2L1 di Android sekarang game-nya sudah Playable di emulator versi terbaru dengan Firmware yang digunakan N70 oke langsung saja berikut Tutorialnya :

ROM & RPKG FILE Devices S60v2 Download

(Extract ROM&RPKG FILE I use N70 firmaré)

Tutorial :

1. Install emulator EKA2L1.apk

2. Buka emulator 
/Open emulator

3. tap atau klik tanda titik 3 di pojok kanan atas
/tap or click the dot 3 in the upper right corner
4. In Devices 

5. masukan atau tambahkan klik file RPKG dan ROM tipe HP virtual misal device N70 link file download disediakan diawal page diatas 
/Enter, click the RPKG file and ROM HP virtual type, for example, device N70, the download file link is provided at the beginning of the page above

Klik atau tap tombol RPKG masukan file device N70.RPKG
/Click or tap the RPKG button to enter the RPKG device file this example for add rpkg Firmware

Lalu masukan / tambahkan ROM yang sesuai juga file device N70.ROM disini gunakan N70 untuk s60v2
/ Then enter / add the appropriate ROM as well as the N70.ROM device file this example for .Rom I use

 Kemudian klik atau tap install tunggu sampai selesai
/Then click or tap install, wait for it to finish

Apabila sudah akan tampil devies seperti diatas
/If the devies will appear as above

6. lalu klik back atau kembali
/then click back or return 

7. Lalu  di Emulator klik atau tap tanda plus (+) cari file games .sis / .sisx 
/Click or tap the plus sign (+), look for the .sis / .sisx games file

8. Lalu tambahkan game yang mau di install cari file game. Sis , .sisx klik open add Ini contoh install beberapa games .sis
/ Then add the game you want to install, look for the game .sis, .sisx in the download folder then tap or click this for example some title Games .sis

9. Terakhir buka Gamenya di list app pada emulator
/Finally, open the games in the app list on the Emulator

10. Play with Emulator enjoy

Video Gameplay

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