Mimin discusses this time a new but old offline game, yes, the old legend game "Metal Slug" which the rental child must have played this game, now this game is also released on Android by SNK, but for some reason the 4th series was skipped, appeared one after the other time
This time I'm just sharing it, there's no need for a long review because I'm sure you already know this game and even finished it before.
For this game, I feel the sound is a bit cracky at the beginning of the stage, but after a while it goes away by itself, whether it's on certain devices / indeed it's a bug.
But over all, the game is really fun and I can manually save and the settings are too many, I didn't even have time to check everything.
For those who like arcade platformer shooter games and want to reminisce, this game is recommended. To play again
That is all and thank you ...
/Mimin bahas kali ini game offline baru tapi lama ,ya emanng game old legend " Metal Slug " yg anak rental pasti pernah mainin game ini, sekarang game ini rilis jg di android oleh SNK ,tapi entah kenapa seri ke 4 nya di lewati, muncul nyusul kali
Kali ini gw sekedar share aja, gak perlu review panjang lebar karena pasti udh pada tau game ini bahkan udh pernah tamat dlu nya.
Untuk game ini gw ngerasa suara agak kresek 2 di awal stage tapi lama2 ilang dg sendiri nya, entah itu di device tertentu aja /emang itu bug.
Tapi over all game nya seru sih dan bisa manual save dan settingan nya jg mayan banyak, gw sampe ngk sempat cek semua nya.
Buat yg suka game shooter arcade platformer & mau bernostalgia, game ini rekomend. Untuk di mainin lagi
Sekian dan terimakasih ...
Title: Metal Slug 5 ACA NEOGEO
On/Off: Offline
Versi: 1.0 (latest version)
SIze: 74 mb
Genre : Action, Shooter, Arcade
Requirement Android 4.4 and up
Year : 2021
Store : Playstore (Paid Game)
Platform : Android
Video Gameplay
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