This time, Mimin discusses the HDR Reality game, a cool new offline with HD & realistic graphics with a decent size of 500 MB, the game has just been released so there are still few features.
And here I'm just providing information, you need a bit high specifications to play this game, Mimin tested on HP Ratel Cell OS Oreo (Snapdragon 835), so if the low specs aren't compatible, the full review is usually long, according to Mimin, it's also not a review of this game. so much, in addition to graphics, visuals, details, textures, lighting and scenery that are good and look realistic.
The map in the game is also wide, with a different level challenge gameplay system, so hopefully in the future there will be a multiplayer mode to make it fun.
There are only 1 or 2 maps in this game that can be played, they are still coming soon, there are only 3 available cars, understand that the game is still new.
For those who want to try this game / like off road games with HD graphics, this game is recommended. To try..
That is all and thank you..
/Kali ini Mimin bahas game HDR Reality, offline baru yg keren dengan grafis hd & realistis dengan size lumayan 500 mb an, game baru rilis jadi fitur masih dikit.
Dan disini gw hanya sekedar infoin aja ya perlu spesifikasi agak tinggi buat main ini game mimin tested di HP Ratel Cell OS Oreo (Snapdragon 835) nah jika spek rendah ngga kompatibel, full review panjang kaya' biasanya, menurut Mimin direview dari game ini juga gak begituu banyak, selain grafis, visual, detail, tekstur, pencahayaan serta pemandangan yg bagus dan terlihat realistis.
Map di game juga mayan luas, dengan sistem gameplay challenge level yg berbeda, ya semoga aja kedepannya ada multiplayer mode nya biar seru.
Map di game ini yg bisa dimainkan cuma 1 atau 2 lagi masih coming soon, mobil yg tersedia jg cuma 3, ya maklum game masih baru.
Buat yg mau coba game ini/ suka game off road dg grafis hd, game ini rekomend. Untuk dicoba..
Sekian dan terimakasih..
Title: Off Road Adventure
Developer: Ararat Games
Mode: Ofline
Version:1.0 (latest version)
Size: 503 mb
Genre: Simulation,Open World, Racing.
Requirement: Android 5.0 and up
Year : 2021
Platform : Android
Store : Playstore (free Game)
Video Gameplay
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