Squel lanjutan game balapan Beach Buggy Racing, dari Developer Vector Unit spesialis game balapan selain car x technologies, Vector unit terkenal game sebelumnya yaitu RiptideGP dll, gamenya masih ada di Playstore dan support Gamepad. mirip CTR ada item senjata cuman disini bisa modif mobil buggy nya kalo game series ke 2 grafik 3D nya memang oke banget lebih bagus dari series sebelumnya dan sudan HD. dan dengan story track karakter yang baru, dan Handlingnya lebih baik dari series sebelumya
/The sequel to the Beach Buggy Racing racing game, from the Developer Vector Unit, a racing game specialist other than car x technologies, the famous Vector unit of the previous game, RiptideGP, etc., the game is still on Playstore and supports Gamepad. similar to the CTR, there are weapon items, but here you can modify the buggy car if the game series 2 has 3D graphics, it's really really good, it's better than the previous series and is HD. and with a new character story track, good handlings in new Game
Info Game
Title : Beach Buggy Racing 2
Genre : Racing
Dev/Pub : Vector Unit
Year : 2018 Updated 2022
Platform : Android
Size : 173mb
Rating : 4.3 / 5
Store : Playstore (Free Game)
Video Gameplay
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