Game Baru Balapan Yang Sangat Realistis Mantap Grafiknya OK Banget (Car X Street) rilis di tahun 2022

Finally the release of the game that the admin is waiting for a realistic HDR racing game similar to NFS Underground + Mostwanted the game is now available on the Store and officially released and can be directly played in full. This time there is a new game game in 2022 from Car X Technologies with the title Car X Street. it is known that the game made by this developer who specializes in racing and drift games on the Android platform that has been released, okay, Mimin, here's the post for the iOS version of the game on the AppStore, the official download link is provided.
coincidentally in this racing game there is a handsome car, Civic Estilo, RX7, American Muscle Car, etc., the main thing is complete from JDM car USDM, etc., can be modified, can use Open world racing nos, with a fairly wide map with really good graphics, HDR display, can modify cars, can be free roam / open world, can drift, etc. Now for Android September 2022 it has been released

/Akhirnya rilis juga game yang mimin tunggu game balapan HDR yang realistis mirip NFS Underground + Mostwanted gamenya sudah tersedia di Store dan officially rilis dan langsung bisa dimainkan bahas full Kali ini ada game Game baru di tahun 2022 dari Car X Technologies dengan judul Car X Street perlu diketahui game besutan developer ini yang spesialis game balapan dan drift di Platform Android yang batu rilis ini, oke mimin disini posting Gamenya yang versi iOS di AppStore sudah rilis resmi Link Download desediakan
kebetulan dalam game balapan ini ada Mobil si ganteng Civic Estilo, RX7, Mobil American Muscle dll pokoknya komplit dari JDM car USDM dll bisa modif bisa pake nos Balapan Open world dengan map yang cukup luas dengan grafis yang oke banget tampilan HDR, bisa modif mobil, bisa free roam / open world , bisa ngeDrift, dll nah untuk Di Android September 2022 sudah rilisnya

Link Store


Install Tutorial : Use Region Rusia for Iphone / iOS Check This Settings

Info Game

📃Title : Car X Street
🎬Genre : Racing
🚻Multiplayer : yes
⏱️Year : 2022
📱Platform : Android & iOS
📝Dev/Pub : Car X Technologies
💾Size : 3.8gb+
⭐Rating : 8 / 10
🔖Store : AppStore, Playstore (Free Game)
OS : iOS 13 & Android 8 


Video Gameplay

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