Kali ini posting pembahasan game baru racing tentunya game offline baru yg rilis tahun 2022 sekarang secara keseluruhan bagus, game yg punya
grafis yg keren , namun size yg kecil, ya tentu saja kalo game size kecil tapi grafis bagus udh pasti agak berat sih perlu agak spesifikasi tinggi, Game
yg baru rilis bulan ini Februari
Merupakan game racing open world yg mirip game street racing / crashmetal di Android, grafis lebih bagus dari street racing dan kota jauh lebih rame dari crashmetal. Map di game ini juga luas dan ada beberapa pilihan mobil, untuk saat ini game hanya bisa di mainkan single player, mungkin kedepannya bakal ditambahkan mode multiplayer.
*Mode Game ada 9:
Split mode
Circuit mode
Drift mode
Escape police mode
Time mode
Speed mode
Near miss mode
Free drift mode
Max speed mode
Buat yg suka game racing open world seperti ini, game ini rekomend. Untuk dicoba...
Sekian dan terimakasih ...
/This time posting a discussion of the new racing game, of course, the new offline game released in 2022 is now overall good, the game that has
cool graphics, but the size is small, yes of course if the game size is small but the graphics are good, it's definitely a bit heavy, you need a bit of high specifications, Game
the one that just released this month is february
It is an open world racing game that is similar to street racing/crashmetal games on Android, the graphics are better than street racing and the city is much busier than crashmetal. The map in this game is also wide and there are several choices of cars, for now the game can only be played by single player, maybe in the future a multiplayer mode will be added.
*There are 9 Game Modes:
Split mode
Circuit mode
Drift mode
Escape police mode
time mode
Speed mode
Near miss mode
Free drift mode
Max speed mode
For those who like open world racing games like this, I recommend this game. To try...
That is all and thank you ...
Info Game
Title: Heat Gear - Race & Drift World
Developer: GRAYPOW
Mode : Offline
Size: 98 mb
Version: 0.3 ( latest version)
Genre: Racing, Open World
Platform : Android
Store : Playstore (Free Game)
Year : 2022
Video Gameplay
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