Dungeon Quest Action Rpg- Labyrinth Legend Developer: 9/eP-aX Mode: Offline Size : 90 mb Versi: 1.30 ( latest version) Genre: Action, Rpg Year : 2019 Requirement: Android 4.1 and up


This is a good offline game and quite fun, with a small size pixel graphic style. It's not a new game, but the game has been released in 2019 and was last updated in 2021.
This is an action rpg hack & slash game that explores dungeons with a gamelan floor system, there are many types of enemies and there are bosses too, explore and find 2 equipment items that are useful for strengthening characters. In this game there is also a base like that, where players can buy weapons/equipment? medicinal herbs / other items, can also be upgraded? the equipment and selling useless equipment, players can buy character skins too
For those who like action rpg dungeon exploration games like this, this game is recommended. To try..

/Ini game offline yg bagus dan cukup seru, dengan size kecil style grafis pixel. Bukan lah game baru tapi game udh rilis 2019 dan terakhir kali di update 2021.
Merupakan game action rpg hack & slash penjelajahan dungeon dg sistem gamelan floor, terdapat banyak jenis musuh dan ada boss nya jg, jelajahi dan temukan item 2 equipment yg berguna untuk memperkuat karakter. Dalam game ini jg ada markas gtu, tempat player bisa beli2 senjata / equipment beli? ramuan obat / item2 lainnya, bisa juga upgrade? equipment nya dan jual equipment yg gak berguna, player bisa beli skin karakter juga
Buat yg suka game action rpg penjelajahan dungeon seperti ini, game ini rekomend. Untuk dicoba..

Info Game
Title : Dungeon Quest Action Rpg- Labyrinth
Developer: 9/eP-aX
Mode: Offline
Size : 90 mb
Versi: 1.30 ( latest version)
Genre: Action, Rpg
Year : 2019
Requirement: Android 4.1 and up

Video Gameplay

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